I am making a lumberjack MMO and I have no idea what I am doing. The concept is that players will be people who, every time they fall asleep, wake up in a shared dream with everyone else in the world where they are lumberjacks in an endless forest.
- Added the new skill icons to the skill tab. They will branch later, and have lines connecting them, but you can scroll through them for now at least.
- Added tooltip system to show info for skills, buildings, or whatever. This will be how the player knows the required costs, skills, etc.
- Fixed a bug that kept the player moving while interacting with the UI.
- Managed to work on the configuration issues to get this running on my personal site and not just localhost.
- Did not get as much done this week. :(
- Server-side persistence has been added for a lot of things: Players, inventories, buildings.
- Chopping down trees gives you wood now, which goes into your inventory and is used to build buildings.
- Tab UI system implemented.
- Found/modified assets for all of the 'alpha' skills, buildings, and resources.
- Building system implemented. Buildings need to be made in a clearing, and the player has to have the appropriate materials.
- Next step is to make sure that the player has the proper skill necessary to build it.
- Grass scrolls with the camera now.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
- Players control a lumberjack using single mouseclick/fingertap controls.
- The lumberjack is a goblin because I found goblin lumberjack art on an open source game art site.
- Player is (mostly) fully animated, with directionality.
- Multiple client to single server connection is implemented.
- Player input replicated to other clients (minus some color and animation out-of-syncness).
- Terrain is stored in a server side database.
- Anything not marked as a specific type in the DB is considered a tree by default.
- There are also 'stump's and 'dirt', but dirt is just the absence of a sprite.
- Players chop down trees as they walk.
- Some grass is in place, but it's just a single patch. It's not set to scroll with the camera yet.
- The forest is "endless". (There are probably some Number.MAX_VALUE constraints I imagine.)
- There will be no combat and no talking.
- I'm thinking you'll still be able to see the names of other players though.
- I am going to append '-jack' to whatever you pick to be your name though.
- Players will be placed randomly in an infinite forest.
- Each time they log in, they will start in a different random spot.
- The forest will regrow, so players will never really know if they've been someplace before or not.
- There will be random structures and events to find placed throughout the forest.
- There will be resource collection/management.
- The primary resource will be wood.
- Players will be able to build structures.
- Not sure what they'll do yet.
- These too shall decay.
- You may or may not find other players while you're walking around.
- I want it to be somewhat rare so that it seems special.
- There will be an algorithm to place players so that they don't start too close to each other.
- I may tweak or disable this for the game jam demo.
- There will be a skill tree that is represented by a graphic of an actual tree.
- I'm not sure what the skills will be yet, but I have some ideas.
- Experience will be earned only while players are away from the game.
- The rate of xp gain, and the duration for which it can be gained, will be determined by the amount of interesting shit the player sees while dreaming they are a lumberjack.
- There will be a lot of puns.
- Art will be whatever I can scrounge from open source art repositories on the internet.
- Attributions will be collected at the bottom of this file.
- Sound will probably be open source stuff when I get around to it.
- Or I may try to make my own music and sound effects. I'm not sure yet. It will come down to whether I have any extra time or not.
- Front-end client is being developed in JavaScript using Phaser 3.0, which was just released a couple weeks ago and has minimal documentation still.
- Back-end client is being developed in Elixir using Phoenix, of which I have almost no prior experience in.
- I have no idea how to architect an MMO server, so I will be using worst-practices.
- It will very likely be easy to cheat at this game if I can't figure a lot of it out.
Goblin Lumberjack, Grass tiles, and gold treasure icons by Clint Bellanger
Stump by Pixsquare
Trees by b_o
Rope icon by Pixture
Building icon by IronDevil
Other resource icons by 7soul1
https://7soul1.deviantart.com/art/420-Pixel-Art-Icons-for-RPG-129892453 https://7soul1.deviantart.com/art/15-Quest-Related-Icons-134333487
UI resources and buildings by Kenney
http://kenney.nl/assets/ui-pack-rpg-expansion http://kenney.nl/assets/hexagon-pack
Lumberjack font by Alexey Kalinin
Emojis from the standard Apple set