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A program to generate call graphs for C/C++ projects with information on what these maybe used for


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Call Graphs

Proper functional decomposition in program code is not an easy task, especially when one is new to programming.

A call graph shows which functions call which other ones. Below is a simple program and its call graph: main calls a and b, and function a calls b.

void b() {

void a() {

int main() {

Example graph

Such graphs can give us a quick overview of how a program works. It can also uncover various issues with its design. For students' assignments (mini-projects), we use these graphs to find:

  • Improper use of function calls, abusing function calls to implement goto.
  • Problems with functional decomposition, code duplication.
  • Some memory management problems.

Call Graph Generator

The PHP program hosted in this repository can draw the function call graphs for C and C++ sources via static analysis of the source code, with the help of GCC/G++. Usage is:

php callgraph.php <inputfiles...> [output.svg]

Filenames are: *.c, *.cpp (compile), *.expand (use as-is) and one output.svg. File types are determined by the extension.

Required helper applications are gcc (and g++ if you use C++); c++filt for function name demangling, dot (graphviz) for drawing.

The analyzer uses static analysis. The code is not executed, rather the source code is processed. Edges on the graph point from the caller to the callee. In case of indirect function calls, the source vertex of the dashed edge is the function taking the address the callee, not the one that actually calls it. As the address of the function can be stored in a variable, it would be impossible to find the real caller.

The height of the boxes is proportional to the complexity of the function. More precisely, it is proportional to the square root of the amount of code generated, because this way generated images are clean, yet informative.


The function call graph is exported from an internal representation of the compiled code using GCC, namely the RTL data structures (register transfer language). To generate this output, the code must be compiled.

  • The graph cannot show static functions correctly, as RTL output contains no linkage information. This is only problematic if two source files contain two static functions with the same name.

  • Global pointers initialized with function pointers do not show up on the graph, as the RTL contains no corresponding code line.

Spotting problems on the graph

Ideally, the graph resembles a tree. It has multiple levels, but it is sparse; with proper functional decomposition, there is little dependency between the blocks (except for some library calls).

Proper functional decomposition

Using functions as goto

Beginners sometimes do not have the proper mental model of functions, and use them as goto.

Consider a simple a phone book application written for the console:

Phone Book

1. New entry
2. Find by name
0. Save & Exit

menu() might call new_data(), then new_data() might call back menu(), instead of just returning. Then menu() calls find_phone_number() and find_by_name() calls menu() again, and so on. Clearly, a loop is missing in menu(), and the student substituted it with calling menu() from all the other functions.

This kind of problem will show up as a cycle in the graph. The analyzer will find all the cycles, and will draw the relevant edges with red. Usually one of the functions in the cycle will have an edge to the standard library exit() function, otherwise it would be impossible to terminate the infinite series of recursive calls. This is why exit() is always shown on the graph.

The figure below shows a typical example. Presumably this is a multi-level menu system, with each menu function having the same problem outlined above.

Recursive menu

This problem might appear in several parts of the same program, sometimes even main() is called - which really should not have an inbound edge:

Calling main recursively

Loops and cycles are not necessarily problematic. The next example shows a Minesweeper application, in which the reveal() call will find all empty cells adjacent to a starting point. This is the well-known flood fill algorithm. The name of the function will tell whether the code itself is worth examining:

Proper recursion

Functional decomposition and modules

A function with too many outbound edges suggests problems with functional decomposition in the application. Usually the problematic function is main(). The graph below shows an application in which most of the logic is implemented in the main() function. The size suggests the same:

Improper functional decomposition

It's nice that the application below uses indirect function calls for the menu. One can guess that function pointers are stored in an array. However, the functions oneplayer() and twoplayer() certainly have a lot of code duplication, all their outbound edges lead to the game implementation functions symmetrically. Collision detection is also implemented twice, in headHit() and headHit_multi(). The same with the user interface: drawSnake() and drawSnake_multi() must be copy-pasted. Why are there two functions? Why was it impossible to call one draw function twice with each snake as an argument? Perhaps the arguments are missing altogether; that would be the first thing to examine in the code.

Code duplication

The graph generated by the analyzer will show functions with color. The color represents the module (source file) which defines the function. Too many colors suggest that modularizing is overdone. The Conway's Game of Life implementation below has a separate source file for each function (except for the memory management part). Also it is interesting to note that ffield_read() does not call field_init(). Why is that different from field_malloc(), which is presumably used to allocate memory for the grid? The code is probably also duplicated here and there, as field_file() outbound edges and new_field() outbound edges lead to the same functions.

Too many modules

Unicolor graphs are suspicious. Perhaps the whole project is one source file. Or the #include feature might be used incorrectly, ie. *.c source files are #include-d. (In this case, the preprocessor has inserted the file contents, so the compiler won't see the original modules.) Sometimes header files contain function definitions:

No source files?

Resource management

Data structures and pointers are also a complex topic. Beginners sometimes try to circumvent data structure implementation, and store all data in files. When adding an entry to the phone book, a new data line is appended to the file. When an entry is deleted, all data lines are copied to a temporary file, while omitting the entry to be deleted. Sometimes there is a proper data structure in memory, but all operations also refresh the file, and there is no separate save_all_data_to_file() function. Problems like this are quite apparent on the graph: the standard library functions fopen() and fclose() have a lot of inbound edges (calls):

All data is in files, no data structures in memory

It's also easy to see when the application has no dynamic memory management or file handling. Just check if the malloc()-free() or the fopen()-fclose() functions have calls:

No file handling in this application

The application below is certainly leaking memory, there is not a single call to free(). Anyway, the data structure built with malloc() must be very simple as well: only main() calls malloc(), and this main() function that is shorter than the menu():

Memory leak

The next example also suggests memory leaks. A lot of inbound edges to malloc(), but a very few to free(). And those few inbound links start from file reader functions - why would it be necessary to free memory in a function, which is supposed to read data and build some data structure?

Memory leak

Files that are not closed also contribute to resource leaks. The inbound edges for fopen() and fclose() do not match in the next example. The highscore_print() function opens a file, but does not close it. OK, the FILE* pointer could have been returned, maybe stored in a variable, but this is quite unlikely, the names of other functions suggest otherwise:

Resource leak

Other considerations

This application is quite small. One can judge the size by checking the boxes. main() must be a god-function, much longer than the others.


This project is unfinished, or under some refactoring. Several functions are not called at all. Bigger projects always contain dead code, but not to this extent:

Unreachable functions


A program to generate call graphs for C/C++ projects with information on what these maybe used for







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