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NetBox is an IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.


$ helm repo add bootc
$ helm install netbox \
  --set postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=[password1] \
  --set postgresql.auth.password=[password2] \
  --set redis.auth.password=[password3] \

⚠️ WARNING: Please see Production Usage below before using this chart for real.


  • Kubernetes 1.25.0+ (a current version)
  • Helm 3.10.0+ (a version compatible with your cluster)
  • This chart works with NetBox 3.5.0+ (3.6.4+ recommended)

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release and default configuration:

$ helm repo add bootc
$ helm install my-release \
  --set postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=[password1] \
  --set postgresql.auth.password=[password2] \
  --set redis.auth.password=[password3] \

The default configuration includes the required PostgreSQL and Redis database services, but both should be managed externally in production deployments; see below.

Production Usage

Always use an existing Secret and supply all passwords and secret keys yourself to avoid Helm re-generating any of them for you.

I strongly recommend setting both postgresql.enabled and redis.enabled to false and using a separate external PostgreSQL and Redis instance. This de-couples those services from the chart's bundled versions which may have complex upgrade requirements. I also recommend using a clustered PostgreSQL server (e.g. using Zalando's Postgres Operator) and Redis with Sentinel (e.g. using Aaron Layfield's redis-ha chart).

Set persistence.enabled to false and use the S3 storageBackend for object storage. This works well with Minio or Ceph RGW as well as Amazon S3. See Using extraConfig for S3 storage configuration and Persistent storage pitfalls, below.

Run multiple replicas of the NetBox web front-end to avoid interruptions during upgrades or at other times when the pods need to be restarted. There's no need to have multiple workers (worker.replicaCount) for better availability. Set up affinity.podAntiAffinity to avoid multiple NetBox pods being colocated on the same node, for example:

      - labelSelector:

Uninstalling the Chart

To delete the chart:

$ helm delete my-release


Bundled PostgreSQL

When upgrading or changing settings and using the bundled Bitnami PostgreSQL sub-chart, you must provide the postgresql.auth.password at minimum. Ideally you should also supply the postgresql.auth.postgresPassword and, if using replication, the postgresql.auth.replicationPassword. Please see the upstream documentation for further information.

From 4.x to 5.x

  • NetBox has been updated to 3.6.4, but older 3.5+ versions should still work (this is not tested or supported, however).
  • Potentially breaking changes:
    • The jobResultRetention setting has been renamed jobRetention to match the change in NetBox 3.5.
    • The remoteAuth.backend setting has been renamed remoteAuth.backends and is now an array.
    • The remoteAuth.autoCreateUser setting now defaults to false.
    • NAPALM support has been moved into a plugin since NetBox 3.5, so all NAPALM configuration has been removed from this chart.
    • Please consult the NetBox and netbox-docker release notes in case there are any other changes that may affect your configuration.
  • The Bitnami PostgreSQL sub-chart was upgraded from 10.x to 13.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL.
  • The Bitnami Redis sub-chart was upgraded from 15.x to 18.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled Redis.

From 3.x to 4.x

  • NetBox 3.0.0 or above is required
  • The Bitnami Redis sub-chart was upgraded from 12.x to 15.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled Redis
  • The cacheTimeout and releaseCheck.timeout settings were removed

From 2.x to 3.x

  • NetBox 2.10.4 or above is required
  • Kubernetes 1.14 or above is required
  • Helm v3 or above is now required
  • The netbox Deployment selectors are changed, so the Deployment must be deleted on upgrades
  • The Bitnami PostgreSQL sub-chart was upgraded from 8.x to 10.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL
  • The Bitnami Redis sub-chart was upgraded from 10.x to 12.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled Redis
  • The NGINX container is removed, on account of upstream's migration from Gunicorn to NGINX Unit
  • The webhooksRedis configuration key in values.yaml has been renamed to tasksRedis to match the upstream name
  • The redis_password key in the Secret has been renamed to redis_tasks_password

From 1.x to 2.x

If you use an external Redis you will need to update your configuration values due to the chart reflecting upstream changes in how it uses Redis. There are now separate Redis configuration blocks for webhooks and for caching, though they can both point at the same Redis instance as long as the database numbers are different.

From 0.x to 1.x

The chart dependencies on PostgreSQL and Redis have been upgraded, so you may need to take action depending on how you have configured the chart. The PostgreSQL chart was upgraded from 5.x.x to 7.x.x, and Redis from 8.x.x to 9.x.x.


The following table lists the configurable parameters for this chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount The desired number of NetBox pods 1
image.repository NetBox container image repository netboxcommunity/netbox
image.tag NetBox container image tag ""
image.pullPolicy NetBox container image pull policy IfNotPresent Initial super-user account to create admin Email address for the initial super-user account [email protected]
superuser.password Password for the initial super-user account admin
superuser.apiToken API token created for the initial super-user account 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
skipStartupScripts Skip netbox-docker startup scripts true
allowedHosts List of valid FQDNs for this NetBox instance ["*"]
admins List of admins to email about critical errors []
allowTokenRetrieval Permit the retrieval of API tokens after their creation false
authPasswordValidators Configure validation of local user account passwords []
allowedUrlSchemes URL schemes that are allowed within links in NetBox see values.yaml Banner text to display at the top of every page ""
banner.bottom Banner text to display at the bottom of every page ""
banner.login Banner text to display on the login page ""
basePath Base URL path if accessing NetBox within a directory ""
changelogRetention Maximum number of days to retain logged changes (0 = forever) 90
customValidators Custom validators for NetBox field values {}
defaultUserPreferences Default preferences for newly created user accounts {}
cors.originAllowAll CORS: allow all origins false
cors.originWhitelist CORS: list of origins authorised to make cross-site HTTP requests []
cors.originRegexWhitelist CORS: list of regex strings matching authorised origins []
csrf.cookieName Name of the CSRF authentication cookie csrftoken
csrf.trustedOrigins A list of trusted origins for unsafe (e.g. POST) requests []
debug Enable NetBox debugging (NOT for production use) false
defaultLanguage Set the default preferred language/locale en-us
dbWaitDebug Show details of errors that occur when applying migrations false
email.server SMTP server to use to send emails localhost
email.port TCP port to connect to the SMTP server on 25
email.username Optional username for SMTP authentication ""
email.password Password for SMTP authentication (see also existingSecret) ""
email.useSSL Use SSL when connecting to the server false
email.useTLS Use TLS when connecting to the server false
email.sslCertFile SMTP SSL certificate file path (e.g. in a mounted volume) ""
email.sslKeyFile SMTP SSL key file path (e.g. in a mounted volume) ""
email.timeout Timeout for SMTP connections, in seconds 10
email.from Sender address for emails sent by NetBox ""
enforceGlobalUnique Enforce unique IP space in the global table (not in a VRF) false
exemptViewPermissions A list of models to exempt from the enforcement of view permissions []
fieldChoices Configure custom choices for certain built-in fields {}
graphQlEnabled Enable the GraphQL API true
httpProxies HTTP proxies NetBox should use when sending outbound HTTP requests null
internalIPs IP addresses recognized as internal to the system ['', '::1']
jobRetention The number of days to retain job results (scripts and reports) 90
logging Custom Django logging configuration {}
loginPersistence Enables users to remain authenticated to NetBox indefinitely false
loginRequired Permit only logged-in users to access NetBox false (unauthenticated read-only access)
loginTimeout How often to re-authenticate users 1209600 (14 days)
logoutRedirectUrl View name or URL to which users are redirected after logging out home
maintenanceMode Display a "maintenance mode" banner on every page false
mapsUrl The URL to use when mapping physical addresses or GPS coordinates
maxPageSize Maximum number of objects that can be returned by a single API call 1000
storageBackend Django-storages backend class name null
storageConfig Django-storages backend configuration {}
metricsEnabled Expose Prometheus metrics at the /metrics HTTP endpoint false
paginateCount The default number of objects to display per page in the web UI 50
plugins Additional plugins to load into NetBox []
pluginsConfig Configuration for the additional plugins {}
powerFeedDefaultAmperage Default amperage value for new power feeds 15
powerFeedMaxUtilisation Default maximum utilisation percentage for new power feeds 80
powerFeedDefaultVoltage Default voltage value for new power feeds 120
preferIPv4 Prefer devices' IPv4 address when determining their primary address false
rackElevationDefaultUnitHeight Rack elevation default height in pixels 22
rackElevationDefaultUnitWidth Rack elevation default width in pixels 220
remoteAuth.enabled Enable remote authentication support false
remoteAuth.backends Remote authentication backend classes [netbox.authentication.RemoteUserBackend]
remoteAuth.header The name of the HTTP header which conveys the username HTTP_REMOTE_USER
remoteAuth.userFirstName HTTP header which contains the user's first name HTTP_REMOTE_USER_FIRST_NAME
remoteAuth.userLastName HTTP header which contains the user's last name HTTP_REMOTE_USER_LAST_NAME
remoteAuth.userEmail HTTP header which contains the user's email address HTTP_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL
remoteAuth.autoCreateUser Enables the automatic creation of new users false
remoteAuth.autoCreateGroups Enables the automatic creation of new groups false
remoteAuth.defaultGroups A list of groups to assign to newly created users []
remoteAuth.defaultPermissions A list of permissions to assign newly created users {}
remoteAuth.groupSyncEnabled Sync remote user groups from an HTTP header set by a reverse proxy false
remoteAuth.groupHeader The name of the HTTP header which conveys the groups to which the user belongs HTTP_REMOTE_USER_GROUP
remoteAuth.superuserGroups The list of groups that promote an remote User to Superuser on login []
remoteAuth.superusers The list of users that get promoted to Superuser on login []
remoteAuth.staffGroups The list of groups that promote an remote User to Staff on login []
remoteAuth.staffUsers The list of users that get promoted to Staff on login []
remoteAuth.groupSeparator The Seperator upon which remoteAuth.groupHeader gets split into individual groups |
remoteAuth.ldap.serverUri see django-auth-ldap ""
remoteAuth.ldap.startTls if StarTLS should be used see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.ignoreCertErrors if Certificate errors should be ignored see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.bindDn Distinguished Name to bind with ""
remoteAuth.ldap.bindPassword Password for bind DN ""
remoteAuth.ldap.userDnTemplate see AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.userSearchBaseDn see base_dn of django_auth_ldap.config.LDAPSearch see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.userSearchAttr User attribute name for user search sAMAccountName
remoteAuth.ldap.groupSearchBaseDn base DN for group search see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.groupSearchClass django-auth-ldap for group search group
remoteAuth.ldap.groupType see AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE GroupOfNamesType
remoteAuth.ldap.requireGroupDn DN of a group that is required for login null
remoteAuth.ldap.findGroupPerms see AUTH_LDAP_FIND_GROUP_PERMS true
remoteAuth.ldap.mirrorGroups see AUTH_LDAP_MIRROR_GROUPS null
remoteAuth.ldap.cacheTimeout see AUTH_LDAP_MIRROR_GROUPS_EXCEPT null
remoteAuth.ldap.isAdminDn required DN to be able to login in Admin-Backend, "is_staff"-Attribute of AUTH_LDAP_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.isSuperUserDn required DN to receive SuperUser privileges, "is_superuser"-Attribute of AUTH_LDAP_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP see values.yaml
remoteAuth.ldap.attrFirstName first name attribute of users, "first_name"-Attribute of AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP givenName
remoteAuth.ldap.attrLastName last name attribute of users, "last_name"-Attribute of AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP sn
remoteAuth.ldap.attrMail mail attribute of users, "email_name"-Attribute of AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP mail
releaseCheck.url Release check URL (GitHub API URL; see values.yaml) null (disabled by default)
rqDefaultTimeout Maximum execution time for background tasks, in seconds 300 (5 minutes)
sessionCookieName The name to use for the session cookie "sessionid"
enableLocalization Localization false
timeZone The time zone NetBox will use when dealing with dates and times UTC
dateFormat Django date format for long-form date strings "N j, Y"
shortDateFormat Django date format for short-form date strings "Y-m-d"
timeFormat Django date format for long-form time strings "g:i a"
serviceMonitor.enabled Whether to enable a ServiceMonitor for Netbox false
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additonal labels to apply to the ServiceMonitor {}
serviceMonitor.interval Interval to scrape metrics. 1m
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout duration for scraping metrics 10s
shortTimeFormat Django date format for short-form time strings "H:i:s"
dateTimeFormat Django date format for long-form date and time strings "N j, Y g:i a"
shortDateTimeFormat Django date format for short-form date and time strongs "Y-m-d H:i"
extraConfig Additional NetBox configuration (see values.yaml) []
secretKey Django secret key used for sessions and password reset tokens "" (generated)
existingSecret Use an existing Kubernetes Secret for secret values (see below) "" (use individual chart values)
overrideUnitConfig Override the NGINX Unit application server configuration {} (see values.yaml)
postgresql.enabled Deploy PostgreSQL using bundled Bitnami PostgreSQL chart true
postgresql.auth.username Username to create for NetBox in bundled PostgreSQL instance netbox
postgresql.auth.database Database to create for NetBox in bundled PostgreSQL instance netbox
postgresql.* Values under this key are passed to the bundled PostgreSQL chart n/a PostgreSQL host to use when postgresql.enabled is false localhost
externalDatabase.port Port number for external PostgreSQL 5432
externalDatabase.database Database name for external PostgreSQL netbox
externalDatabase.username Username for external PostgreSQL netbox
externalDatabase.password Password for external PostgreSQL (see also existingSecret) ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretName Fetch password for external PostgreSQL from a different Secret ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret postgresql-password
externalDatabase.sslMode PostgreSQL client SSL Mode setting prefer
externalDatabase.connMaxAge The lifetime of a database connection, as an integer of seconds 300
externalDatabase.disableServerSideCursors Disable the use of server-side cursors transaction pooling false
externalDatabase.targetSessionAttrs Determines whether the session must have certain properties read-write
redis.enabled Deploy Redis using bundled Bitnami Redis chart true
redis.* Values under this key are passed to the bundled Redis chart n/a
tasksRedis.database Redis database number used for NetBox task queue 0
tasksRedis.ssl Enable SSL when connecting to Redis false
tasksRedis.insecureSkipTlsVerify Skip TLS certificate verification when connecting to Redis false
tasksRedis.caCertPath Path to CA certificates bundle for Redis (needs mounting manually) "" Redis host to use when redis.enabled is false "netbox-redis"
tasksRedis.port Port number for external Redis 6379
tasksRedis.sentinels List of sentinels in host:port form (host and port not used) []
tasksRedis.sentinelService Sentinel master service name "netbox-redis"
tasksRedis.sentinelTimeout Sentinel connection timeout, in seconds 300 (5 minutes)
tasksRedis.username Username for external Redis ""
tasksRedis.password Password for external Redis (see also existingSecret) ""
tasksRedis.existingSecretName Fetch password for external Redis from a different Secret ""
tasksRedis.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret redis-password
cachingRedis.database Redis database number used for caching views 1
cachingRedis.ssl Enable SSL when connecting to Redis false
cachingRedis.insecureSkipTlsVerify Skip TLS certificate verification when connecting to Redis false
cachingRedis.caCertPath Path to CA certificates bundle for Redis (needs mounting manually) "" Redis host to use when redis.enabled is false "netbox-redis"
cachingRedis.port Port number for external Redis 6379
cachingRedis.sentinels List of sentinels in host:port form (host and port not used) []
cachingRedis.sentinelService Sentinel master service name "netbox-redis"
cachingRedis.sentinelTimeout Sentinel connection timeout, in seconds 300 (5 minutes)
cachingRedis.username Username for external Redis ""
cachingRedis.password Password for external Redis (see also existingSecret) ""
cachingRedis.existingSecretName Fetch password for external Redis from a different Secret ""
cachingRedis.existingSecretKey Key to fetch the password in the above Secret redis-password
imagePullSecrets List of Secret names containing private registry credentials []
nameOverride Override the application name (netbox) used throughout the chart ""
fullnameOverride Override the full name of resources created as part of the release ""
serviceAccount.create Create a ServiceAccount for NetBox true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} The name of the service account to use "" (use the fullname)
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets Add an imagePullSecrets attribute to the serviceAccount ""
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Whether to automatically mount the token in the containers using this serviceAccount or not false
persistence.enabled Enable storage persistence for uploaded media (images) true
persistence.existingClaim Use an existing PersistentVolumeClaim instead of creating one ""
persistence.subPath Mount a sub-path of the volume into the container, not the root ""
persistence.storageClass Set the storage class of the PVC (use - to disable provisioning) ""
persistence.selector Set the selector for PVs, if desired {}
persistence.accessMode Access mode for the volume ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of persistent volume to request 1Gi
reportsPersistence.enabled Enable storage persistence for NetBox reports false
reportsPersistence.existingClaim Use an existing PersistentVolumeClaim instead of creating one ""
reportsPersistence.subPath Mount a sub-path of the volume into the container, not the root ""
reportsPersistence.storageClass Set the storage class of the PVC (use - to disable provisioning) ""
reportsPersistence.selector Set the selector for PVs, if desired {}
reportsPersistence.accessMode Access mode for the volume ReadWriteOnce
reportsPersistence.size Size of persistent volume to request 1Gi
podAnnotations Additional annotations for NetBox pods {}
podLabels Additional labels for NetBox pods {}
podSecurityContext Security context for NetBox pods see values.yaml
securityContext Security context for NetBox containers see values.yaml
service.type Type of Service resource to create ClusterIP
service.port Port number for the service 80
service.nodePort The port used on the node when service.type is NodePort ""
service.clusterIP The cluster IP address assigned to the service ""
service.clusterIPs A list of cluster IP addresses assigned to the service []
service.externalIPs A list of external IP addresses aliased to this service []
service.externalTrafficPolicy Policy for routing external traffic ""
service.ipFamilyPolicy Represents the dual-stack-ness of the service ""
service.loadBalancerIP Request a specific IP address when service.type is LoadBalancer ""
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges A list of allowed IP ranges when service.type is LoadBalancer []
ingress.enabled Create an Ingress resource for accessing NetBox false
ingress.className Use a named IngressClass ""
ingress.annotations Extra annotations to apply to the Ingress resource {}
ingress.hosts List of hosts and paths to map to the service (see values.yaml) [{host:"chart-example.local",paths:["/"]}]
ingress.tls TLS settings for the Ingress resource []
resources Configure resource requests or limits for NetBox {}
automountServiceAccountToken Whether to automatically mount the serviceAccount token in the main container or not false
topologySpreadConstraints Configure Pod Topology Spread Constraints for NetBox []
readinessProbe.enabled Enable Kubernetes readinessProbe, see readiness probes see values.yaml
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds see values.yaml
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds see values.yaml
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Number of seconds see values.yaml
readinessProbe.successThreshold Number of seconds see values.yaml
init.image.repository Init container image repository busybox
init.image.tag Init container image tag 1.32.1
init.image.pullPolicy Init container image pull policy IfNotPresent
init.resources Configure resource requests or limits for init container {}
init.securityContext Security context for init container see values.yaml
autoscaling.enabled Whether to enable the HorizontalPodAutoscaler false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled 100
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilisation percentage for autoscaling 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target memory utilisation percentage for autoscaling null
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
updateStrategy Configure deployment update strategy {} (defaults to RollingUpdate)
affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
extraEnvs Additional environment variables to set in the NetBox container []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volumes to mount in the NetBox container []
extraVolumes Additional volumes to reference in pods []
extraContainers Additional sidecar containers to be added to pods []
extraInitContainers Additional init containers to run before starting main containers []
worker Worker specific variables. Most global variables also apply here. see values.yaml
housekeeping.enabled Whether the Housekeeping CronJob should be active true
housekeeping.concurrencyPolicy ConcurrencyPolicy for the Housekeeping CronJob. Forbid
housekeeping.failedJobsHistoryLimit Number of failed jobs to keep in history 5
housekeeping.restartPolicy Restart Policy for the Housekeeping CronJob. OnFailure
housekeeping.schedule Schedule for the CronJob in Cron syntax. 0 0 * * * (Midnight daily)
housekeeping.successfulJobsHistoryLimit Number of successful jobs to keep in history 5
housekeeping.suspend Whether to suspend the CronJob false
housekeeping.podAnnotations Additional annotations for housekeeping CronJob pods {}
housekeeping.podLabels Additional labels for housekeeping CronJob pods {}
housekeeping.podSecurityContext Security context for housekeeping CronJob pods see values.yaml
housekeeping.securityContext Security context for housekeeping CronJob containers see values.yaml
housekeeping.automountServiceAccountToken Whether to automatically mount the serviceAccount token in the housekeeping container or not false
housekeeping.resources Configure resource requests or limits for housekeeping CronJob {}
housekeeping.nodeSelector Node labels for housekeeping CronJob pod assignment {}
housekeeping.tolerations Toleration labels for housekeeping CronJob pod assignment []
housekeeping.affinity Affinity settings for housekeeping CronJob pod assignment {}
housekeeping.extraEnvs Additional environment variables to set in housekeeping CronJob []
housekeeping.extraVolumeMounts Additional volumes to mount in the housekeeping CronJob []
housekeeping.extraVolumes Additional volumes to reference in housekeeping CronJob pods []
housekeeping.extraContainers Additional sidecar containers to be added to housekeeping CronJob []
housekeeping.extraInitContainers Additional init containers for housekeeping CronJob pods []

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install or provide a YAML file containing the values for the above parameters:

$ helm install --name my-release bootc/netbox --values values.yaml

Persistent storage pitfalls

Persistent storage for media is enabled by default, but unless you take special care you will run into issues. The most common issue is that one of the NetBox pods gets stuck in the ContainerCreating state. There are several ways around this problem:

  1. For production usage I recommend disabling persistent storage by setting persistence.enabled to false and using the S3 storageBackend. This can be used with any S3-compatible storage provider including Amazon S3, Minio, Ceph RGW, and many others. See further down for an example of this.
  2. Use a ReadWriteMany volume that can be mounted by several pods across nodes simultaneously.
  3. Configure pod affinity settings to keep all the pods on the same node. This allows a ReadWriteOnce volume to be mounted in several pods at the same time.
  4. Disable persistent storage of media altogether and just manage without. The storage functionality is only needed to store uploaded image attachments.

To configure the pod affinity to allow using a ReadWriteOnce volume you can use the following example configuration:

    - labelSelector:

      - labelSelector:

      - labelSelector:

Using an Existing Secret

Rather than specifying passwords and secrets as part of the Helm release values, you may pass these to NetBox using a pre-existing Secret resource. When using this, the Secret must contain the following keys:

Key Description Required?
db_password The password for the external PostgreSQL database If postgresql.enabled is false and externalDatabase.existingSecretName is unset
email_password SMTP user password Yes, but the value may be left blank if not required
ldap_bind_password Password for LDAP bind DN If remoteAuth.enabled is true and remoteAuth.backend is netbox.authentication.LDAPBackend
redis_tasks_password Password for the external Redis tasks database If redis.enabled is false and tasksRedis.existingSecretName is unset
redis_cache_password Password for the external Redis cache database If redis.enabled is false and cachingRedis.existingSecretName is unset
secret_key Django secret key used for sessions and password reset tokens Yes
superuser_password Password for the initial super-user account Yes
superuser_api_token API token created for the initial super-user account Yes

Using extraConfig for S3 storage configuration

If you want to use S3 as your storage backend and not have the config in the values.yaml (credentials!) you can use an existing secret that is then referenced under the extraConfig key.

The secret would look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  labels: netbox
  name: netbox-extra
  s3-config.yaml: |
      AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL: <endpoint-URL>
      AWS_S3_REGION_NAME: <region>
      AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: <bucket-name>
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <access-key>
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <secret-key>

And the secret then has to be referenced like this:

  - secret: # same as pod.spec.volumes.secret
      secretName: netbox-extra



The following notice applies to all files contained within this Helm Chart and the Git repository which contains it:

Copyright 2019-2020 Chris Boot

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.