*Welcome to Excel2024 Calculator! This is a simple command-line calculator written in Rust that can perform a variety of mathematical operations. Whether you're looking to do basic arithmetic or more advanced operations like trigonometry and logarithms, this calculator can help. The features of this calculator are:
It performs basic mathematical operations such as: .Addition (+) .Subtraction (-) .Multiplication () .Division (/) .Exponentiation (^)
*It also performs trigonometric operations (in degrees) such as: .Sine (sin) .Cosine (cos) .Tangent (tan) .Compute the square root of a number (square_root) .Calculate logarithms (log base 10)
*How to Use the calculator Start the Calculator: After running the program, you'll see the following prompt:Hello, Welcome And Thanks For Choosing Excel2024 Calculator! We Perform Mathematical Operation. You Can Input Your Calculations Or If You Want To Quit You Can Input 'Exit' To Close The Page.
*I also tried to handle errors such as: 1.Invalid Format: If the input doesn't follow the correct format, you'll see an error like:Invalid Format! Please Consider Using: . 2.Unsupported Operators: If you use an operator that isn't supported, you'll see:Unsupported Operator: . 3.Division by Zero: Attempting to divide by zero results in or you will get:Cannot Be Divided By Zero! 4.Invalid Numeric Input: If an alphabetical value is entered where a number is expected, you'll see:Please Consider Inputting A Numeric Value. 5.Square Root of a Negative Number: Attempting to take the square root of a negative number will result in:Computing A Negative Number Square Root Is Not Accepted!!! 6.Logarithm of Non-Positive Numbers: Trying to take the logarithm of a zero or negative number will result in:Please Consider Removing Negative Value When Dealing With Logarithm.
*If in case you want to run or install this cli calculator,please follow the steps below: .Clone this repository to your local machine:git clone https://github.com/your-username/cli_calculator.git .Then to navigate to the project directory you will input: cd cli_calculator .To run the project after navigating to the project directory you will input:cargo run
*To run this make sure you have Rust installed.If not, you can install it from the official Rust website: rust-lang.org. *And also have a code editor(any) or make use of your terminal to run the project.
*Thank you for trying out my project! If you encounter any issues, have questions, or would like to provide feedback, feel free to contact me by email.