*Welcome to the Excel To Do List Application built in Rust! This is a simple terminal-based application designed to help you manage your tasks. With the ability to add, view, mark as completed, and remove tasks, this application is perfect for keeping track of your daily tasks.
*The key features of this simple terminal-based application are: .To Create or Add Tasks: Add tasks with a specific date, time, and task name. .You can View Task List: View all tasks along with their status (completed or not). .Also you can Mark Tasks as Completed: Mark tasks as completed once done. .Delete Tasks: Remove any task by providing its ID. .And Secure Pin: Protect your task list with a 5-digit PIN for security.
*To get started with this simple terminal-based aplication (Excel To Do List Application), follow these steps: *To run this make sure you have Rust installed.If not, you can install it from the official Rust website: rust-lang.org. *And also have a code editor(any) or make use of your terminal to run the project.. .Clone this repository to your local machine:git clone https://github.com/your-username/excel_to_do_list.git .Then to navigate to the project directory you will input: cd excel-to-do-list .To run the project after navigating to the project directory you will input:cargo run
*When you run it then you get : WELCOME TO EXCEL TO DO LIST APPLICATION! Please Input Your Name: Marcus Ben Please we encourage you to create a pin for security purposes (Please not more than 5 digits). Please create your PIN: 4566 Hi, Marcus Ben! You have successfully created a PIN. Please don't forget your PIN because without it, you cannot access your task manager.
Please select any of the options listed below:
- Create or Add Task.
- View Your Task List.
- Mark Your Task as Completed.
- Delete Task.
- Exit.
->Then you choose from the option . #Any option you choose means the following below: .Option 1 will prompt you to input a date, time, and task name to create a new task. .Option 2 will list all the tasks, showing their status and details. .Option 3 will let you mark a task as completed by entering its Task ID. .Option 4 will allow you to delete a task by providing the Task ID. .Option 5 exits the application.
*Thank you for trying out my project! If you encounter any issues, have questions, or would like to provide feedback, feel free to contact me by email.