A simple, lightweight monitoring and alerting daemon for nodejs. Designed to run either as a backend to statsd or standalone.
We are using this as a replacement for a Nagios setup which we were finding overcomplicated for what we need. This provides similar alerting capabilities and is a breeze to add new monitors to. Especially useful for alerting based on metrics already being sent through statsd.
- node (tested with v0.8.2)
- emailjs (tested with v0.3.0)
- statsd-client (tested with v0.0.4)
In your statsd config you'll want something along the lines of:
graphitePort: 2003
, graphiteHost: ""
, port: 8125
, mgmt_port: 8126
, flushInterval: 60000
, backends: [
, '../alertd/statsd_backend.js'
, alertConfig: '../alertd-config.js'
alertd-config.js will be reloaded on changes in the same way as the statsd config.
Run alertd standalone using:
node alerts.js /path/to/alertd-config.js
See exampleConfig.js for a basic rundown of the layout.