data class AndroidDeveloper(
val name = "Juan Pablo Tomas",
var role = "Android Developer"
val languaje = "Kotlin",
var experience = 3.0,
var motivation = 100, // %
The app compares 4 different online prividers prices
I used:
- Login using Google and Firebase
- Okhttp Json response
- Counting items with Coroutines
- VPS server basic configuration and managment (Putty)
The favorites searches are stored in a local database for each registered user:
I used:
- Lazy Colum list (Jetpack Compose)
- Item Model design
- Filters in search results
- Favorite searches saved in Room local database
The Quote screen makes a list of items from the different providers and the user can create a PDF with the estimate (total per website)
I used:
- Drawer Menu
- Items sub menu (quantity, delete and webview buttons)
- MVVM Architecture
- Generate quote PDF file with date and total price per website
if (youAreStillReading) {
AndroidDeveloper.motivation ++
I'm also interested in animations with Rive Software, so I've developed this responsive Login Screen:
Also you can check the repo of my Recipes App that is available on Google Play:
Or the Seinfeld Trivia App I've also developed for the fans of this sitcom:
π [email protected]
π Linkedin
π Manfred
π HyperSkill