A program for running Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of a lattice model of DNA origami, especially for studying its self-assembly process.
The original version of the model and simulation techniques implemented here are described in Ref. 1, while an updated version can be found in Ref. 2. Additional background and extended description of the move types can be found in Ref. 3. Simulations are run in the grand ensemble, with annealing, replica exchange, and umbrella sampling variants available and configurable through a plain text input parameter file. Relatively general facilities are available for defining order parameters and associated bias functions in JSON formatted files. Output is in simple plain text file and JSON formats, and real-time visualization is possible with VMD via the bundled Tcl scripts.
The program requires the Boost library and an MPI implementation compatible with Boost.MPI.
Building and installation is done with CMake.
To configure, build and install in installdir
, run
CXX=clang++ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[installdir] -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
Examples of configuration files and scripts for creating instances of input files can be found in examples
To run a simulation with configuration_file.inp
, run
latticeDNAOrigami -i [configuration_file.inp]
For running a simulation with MPI on procs
processors, run
mpirun -np [procs] latticeDNAOrigami -i [configuration file]
When using MPI, it is especially important to check the validity of all configuration file options, as informative exceptions are generally not output. Consider trying to run a single core version of the desired simulation if it throws MPI errors at the start of the simulation.
The configuration file is a simple key-value format. To see all configuration options, run
latticeDNAOrigami -h
Example configuration files can be found in examples/
There is an example of a constant temperature simulation, constant-temp.inp
, a temperature replica exchange simulation, ptmc.inp
, (also known as temperature parallel tempering, hence the abbreviation) a replica-exchange multi-window umbrella sampling simulation, and an enumeration run, enum.inp
Some additional details of the key parameters are given below.
This can be either HalfTurn
or ThreeQuarterTurn
is what is used in Ref. 1 and Ref. 2.
It is used to model systems that have n whole turns, where n can be 0, plus a half turn.
For example, 16 base pairs (bp) corresponds to about 1.5 turns of a helix, and so can be modeled with a HalfTurn
domain type.
can be used to model systems with binding domains that correspond to n whole turns, where n can be 0, plus a three-quarter turn.
For example, 8 bp corresponds to about 0.75 of a helix, and so can be modeled with a ThreeQuarterTurn
domain type.
Note that single binding domains in the design can be simulated with multiple binding domains as defined in the model.
For example, 16 bp binding domains can be modeled as a single Halfturn
binding domain, or two 8 bp ThreeQuarterTurn
binding domains.
The ThreeQuarterTurn
binding domain type also allows to model designs that are 3D (note that the model is always in 3D, but HalfTurn
binding domains can only produce planar designs).
The potential used for describing the binding of two complementary binding domains.
Only one option is provided, FourBody
, which is the potential used and described in Ref. 2.
The potential used in Ref. 1 is no longer provided, but the code used for that paper can be found in the supplementary information of Ref. 1, as well as in the history of this repository.
The potential used for describing the misbinding of two binding domains that are not fully complementary.
The potential used in Ref. 1, Ref. 2, and Ref. 3 is Opposing
, but to prevent misbinding altogether, use Disallowed
The potential used to describe helical stacking of adjacent binding domains.
This should be set to Constant
; SequenceSpecific
has not been fully implemented.
This means that stacking_ene
must be set.
The potential used to calculate the hybridization free energy.
Select NearestNeighbour
to use the nearest neighbour model, which requires the system definition file include sequences for all binding domains.
For a single enthalpy and entropy for all bound domains, and another set for all misbound domains, select Uniform
In this case, binding_h
, misbinding_h
, binding_s
, and misbinding_s
must be specified.
These should be set to smallest values that are reasonable. This is because some of the output file formats require a constant number of staples, and so if these values are unnecessarily big, so too will the output files be.
This should be set to true
if any bias functions being used are defined for specific binding domains in the system.
For example, this should be true
if a bias function is defined on the distance between two binding domains.
This ensures that the bias is updated each time a domain is set, rather than after the whole configuration of the system has been set.
The type of simulation to run.
This will enumerate all possible configurations for the system for the given limits on the numbers of staples.
It is only possible for relatively small systems (i.e., scaffolds up to 5 binding domains).
With the option enumerate_staples_only
, only the configurations of the staples will be enumerated, which also means larger systems are feasible.
This mode is used to validate the move types obey detailed balance by comparing the exact enumeration results to results of simulations on the same system.
These are standard MC simulations at a constant temperature.
The simulations can be limited by the total number of steps with ct_steps
, or by the duration in seconds with max_duration
All of temps
, chem_pot_mults
, bias_mults
, and stacking_mults
must be set, with the number of entries in each (space delimited) equal to the number of replicas num_reps
The temperatures are set with a space delimited list for temps
Multipliers to modify the chemical potential for each replica can be set with chem_pots_mults
Multipliers to modify the total bias for each replica can be set with bias_mults
Multipliers to modify the stacking energy for each replica can be set with stacking_mults
Set the multipliers to an array of ones as a default.
The number of steps between swaps is set with exchange_interval
The simulations can be limited by the number of swaps swaps
or the duration in seconds max_duration
Output files from these simulations will have -[thread index]
appended to output_filebase
The output data will need to be deconvoluted for analysis, as the threads only pass the exchange variables, rather than the configurations.
An example script for doing so is contained in the origamipy python package.
Replica exchange with temperature as the exchange variable. This means that chemical potential does not change when the temperature does, which means that staple concentration is not constant.
Replica exchange with temperature and chemical potential as a combined exchange variable. Also exchanging the chemical potential allows the staple concentrations to remain constant.
Replica exchange with temperature, chemical potential, and the bias multiplier as a combined exchange variable.
Replica exchange with temperature and the stacking multiplier as a combined exchange variable.
2D replica exchange, where the temperature and the stacking multiplier are the two independent exchange variables.
Adaptive umbrella sampling.
An initial equilibration round of sampling will be performed, followed by a set number of iterations that update a grid bias.
All of us_grid_bias_tag
, max_num_iters
, max_D_bias
, equil_steps
, max_equil_dur
, iter_steps
, and max_iter_dur
must be set.
Either the number of steps or the maximum duration can be used to control the length of the equilibrium (equil_steps
, max_equil_dur
) and the iterations (iter_steps
, max_iter_dur
), although currently both must still be set.
The tag of the grid bias defined in the bias function file is specified with us_grid_bias_tag
The number of iterations is set by max_num_iters
The maximum change in the biases over one iteration in units of kb T can be set with max_D_bias
Multi-window adaptive umbrella sampling.
Also requires multi_window
to be set.
The grid is now split up into separate windows with some bias functions, usually a linear step well.
The windows are specified by a windows file (windows_file
); the file specification is given below.
Output files from these simulations will have _win-[op mins]--[op maxes]_iter-[iteration]
appended to output_filebase
, where the op mins (maxes) are the hyphen delimited minimum (maximum) allowed values for the order parameters in the window.
Replica-exchange multi-window adaptive umbrella sampling.
There is an additional move type to exchange configurations between adjacent windows.
The frequency of swap attempts is set with iter_swaps
The simulations are able to be restarted from previous runs.
If restarting from configurations, set restart_from_config
to true
Then, if running a serial simulation, set restart_traj_file
If running a parallel simulation, set restart_traj_filebase
and restart_traj_postfix
if following the file naming scheme the program uses for replicas, or directly set all files in a space-delimited list with restart_traj_files
The filetype can be the trajectory format (trj
) or the system input file format (json
If the restart files contain more than one configuration, set the index of which to use with restart_step
, or individually for each replica with restart_steps
For restarting replica exchange simulations, one can also read in the current state of the swaps by setting restart_from_swap
; this assumes that restart_traj_filebase
is being used, and will also use restart_steps
, which is the index in that file, not the simulation step number.
For restarting umbrella sampling simulations, one can additionally read in a grid bias by setting read_biases
and biases_files
, or restart mid iteration with restart_us_iter
For the latter option, archive files from the previous run will be read in, and the file naming is set by restart_us_filebase
An example file is given in examples/snodin_unbound.json
The structure is as follows
identities: list of lists
sequences: list of lists
cyclic: bool
configurations: list of objects
step: int
identity: int
positions: list of lists
orientations: list of lists
This is a list of the identities of each binding domain in each chain. The first index in the list is the scaffold, and subsequent lists are the staples. The scaffold list should contain negative integers, and the staples positive integers. The index in the list for each corresponds to the binding domains along that chain. Binding domains that are complementary should have identities that sum to 0. This list should be consistent with the list of sequences, but if using a uniform potential where the energies are set in the configuration file, only the identities are required.
A list of lists of the sequences of each binding domain. Sequences should be given 5' to 3'.
Specify if the scaffold is cyclic.
A list of objects containing a series of configurations for the system. Usually only a single configuration is included as, which can be used as a starting configuration for the simulation.
The step number, or simply the configuration index.
A list of objects, where each object is a chain in the system.
The identity of the chain.
This is the index of the chain in identities
A list of the coordinates for each binding domain in the chain. For each binding domain, the list is the x, y, and z components of the position vector.
A list of the orientations for each binding domain in the chain. For each binding domain, the list is the x, y, and z components of the orientation vector.
An example file is given in examples/moveset_standard.json
The structure is as follows
movetypes: list of ojects
label: string
freq: string
type: string
[move type specific options]
A label for the move type; will be used in the output files but is not otherwise used by the program.
A fraction that specifies the frequency of this move type.
It must be a string of a fraction, with no spaces (e.g. 1/2
The class of move type. Below are listed the types, along with move type specific options. See Ref 3 for definitions and details of the move types.
Proposes a new orientation vector with uniform probability.
Proposes either addition or removal of a staple, and uses the symmetric growth scheme.
Experimental feature; set to false.
Proposes a new configuration for a random staple in the system, and uses the symmetric regrowth scheme to regrow from one of the bound domains.
Proposes a new configuration for a random staple in the system, and uses the configurational bias (CB) regrowth scheme to regrow from one of the bound domains.
Proposes a new configuration for the scaffold with the conserved topology configurational bias (CTCB) regrowth scheme with contiguous single-segment selection.
The maximum number of scaffold binding domains to regrow.
Proposes a new configuration for the scaffold with the CTCB regrowth scheme with contiguous multiple-segment selection.
It has the following options in addition to those of CTCBScaffoldRegrowth
The maximum number of scaffold binding domains to regrow in a single segment.
Proposes a new configuration for the scaffold with the conserved topology recoil growth (CTCB) regrowth scheme with contiguous single-segment selection.
It has the following options in addition to those of CTCBScaffoldRegrowth
The maximum number of recoils allowed.
The maximum number of configurations to try for a given binding domain.
Proposes a new configuration for the scaffold with the CTRG scheme with contiguous multiple-segment selection.
It has the sum of the sets of options of CTCBJumpScaffoldRegrowth
and CTRGScaffoldRegrowth
All order parameters are functions of the origami system that return single integers.
An example file is given in examples/ops_standard.json
The structure is as follows
order_params: list of objects
label: string
tag: string
level: int
ops: list of strings
type: string
[order parameter type specific options]
Label used only for organization of the order parameters file itself.
This is the label that is actually used in the output, and for reference in this or other input files. It should not contain spaces.
Specifies what level in the definition hierarchy the order parameter is. The number indicates the dependency depth. For example, level 0 corresponds to a base order parameter that depends on no other order parameter, while level 1 corresponds to an order parameter that depends on a level 0 order parameter.
A list of order parameter tags that this order parameter directly depends on. If the order parameter does not depend on any other order parameters, leave empty or do not include.
The class of order parameter. Below are listed the types, along with order parameter type specific options.
The number staples bound to the system. This is a base order parameter.
The number of staples bound to the system of type staple
This is a base order parameter.
The chain identity as defined by its index in identities
of the system input file.
The number of fully bound staples of type staple
It has the same options as NumStaplesType
This is a base order parameter.
The number of bound domain pairs. This is a base order parameter.
The number of misbound domain pairs. This is a base order parameter.
The number of stacked pairs. This is a base order parameter.
The distance, in lattice sites, between two binding domains.
Unique index of the chain that the first binding domain is in.
Unique index of the chain that the second binding domain is in.
Unique index of the first binding domain in its chain.
Unique index of the second binding domain in its chain.
Check for whether two binding domains are on adjacent sites.
It takes a value of if 1 true, and if 0 false.
It has the same options as NumStaplesType
The sum of the ops listed in ops
All bias functions are functions of the origami system that return an energy in units of kb T.
An example file is given in examples/biases_mwus-numfulldomains.json
The structure is as follows
bias_functions: list of objects
label: string
tag: string
level: int
ops: list of strings
bias_funcs: list of strings
type: string
[bias function specific options]
Label used only for organization of the bias functions file itself.
This is the label that is actually used in the output, and for reference in this or other input files. It should not contain spaces.
Specifies what level in the definition hierarchy the bias function is. The number indicates the dependency depth. For example, level 0 corresponds to a base bias function that depends on no other bias functions, while level 1 corresponds to a bias function that depends on a level 0 bias function. Note that this is independent from order parameter levels.
A list of order parameter tags that the bias function directly depends on. If the bias function does not depend on any order parameters, leave empty or do not include.
A list of bias function tags that this bias function directly depends on. If the bias function does not depend on any other bias functions, leave empty or do not include.
The class of order parameter. Below are listed the types, along with order parameter type specific options.
0 at and below min_op
, max_bias
at and above max_op
, and linear between.
Requires one op tag in ops
Equal to well_bias
between and at min_op
and max_op
and linearly increasing outside.
If op
< min_op
, then the bias is equal to slope
* (min_op
- op
- 1) + min_bias
If op
> max_op
, then the bias is equal to slope
* (op
- max_op
- 1) + min_bias
If op
< min_op
or op
> max_op
, then equal to outside_bias
Else, equal to well_bias
Biases are a grid with dimensions equal to the number of order parameters listed. The bias for a given combination of values for the order parameters it is defined in is equal to the value stored in the grid. This is used by umbrella sampling.
To run MWUS, an additional file is required to specify the windows.
This file is a simple text file.
The first line must contain the tags of the bias functions that will be used to create the restraints for the windows.
These are usually LinearStepWell
bias function types.
For 1D MWUS, only one tag is needed.
Each subsequent row defines the minimum and maximum values of the order parameters, which override the min_op
and max_op
specified in the definition of the bias function.
If multidimensional MWUS is to be performed, all minimum values are listed first, delimited by spaces, followed by a comma, and then all maximum values, with the order parameters in the same order as the tags in the top row.
An example for 1D MWUS is given in examples/snodin-numfulldomains.windows
The biases as calculated from an iteration of an umbrella sampling run.
Each iteration will output the biases calculated at the end from that iteration, as well as the biases that were used to run that iteration (inp.biases
It is formatted as a json file with the structure
biases: list of objects
point: list of ints
bias: float
where point
is a tuple of the order parameters defining the point on the bias grid, while bias
is the bias applied to the grid at that point in units of kb T.
Simple column-based text data file.
This is a deprecated output file; instead the desired order parameters should be specified in the ops_to_output
option and read from the ops
output file.
This file type has no header; the columns have the values for the step, number of (mis)bound staples, number of unique staple types (mis)bound, the number of (mi)bound domain pairs, the number of fully bound domain pairs, and the number of misbound domain pairs.
Simple column-based text data file.
The columns are specified by a header.
is the total free energy, henthalpy
is the hybridization enthalpy, including initiation, hentropy
is the hybridization entropy, including initiation, stacking
is the stacking energy, and bias
is the total bias energy.
The energies are in units of kb T, and the entropy in kb.
Boost archive files for internal state of adaptive umbrella sampling for use in restarting an iteration.
Log file for move types.
Simple column-based text data file.
The columns are specified by a header, which has the order parameter tags specified in ops_to_output
Simple no-header text data file.
Each row contains the orientation vectors in row major format, with each chain in order.
Each chain after the scaffold contains max_staple_size
orientation vectors, and there are total of max_num_staples
+ 1 (for the scaffold) chains.
If a chain has fewer than the number of domains than the maximum, then the remaining orientation vectors are set to 0.
This file is intended for use in viewing configurations in VMD, which requires a constant number of orientation vectors.
Simple no-header text data file. Each row has the number of each staple type (mis)bound for the output step (the first column).
Simple no-header text data file. Each row has the state of each staple type for the output step (the first column). If 1, the staple is fully bound, otherwise it is 0.
Simple no-header text data file.
Each row has the state of each domain of each chain in the system for the output step (the first column).
If 1, the domain is unbound, if 2, it is bound, if 3, it is misbound.
If it is 0, the state is undefined, while if it is -1, it does not exist.
As with the ores
file type, the total number of states must be constant, so there after the scaffold there are max_staple_size
states per chain and max_num_staples
+ 1 chains.
Each row of this no-header text file contains the replica indices for a configuration for replica-exchange simulations. At the start of the simulation, the replica index is equal to the thread index, but when a swap is accepted, the replica indices will also be swapped. This file is critical to deconvolute the output files, as the exchange variables rather than configurations are actually transmitted between the threads. However, in replica-exchange multi-window umbrella sampling, configurations themselves are exchanged between threads, so the indices are used only as an indication of the quality of the sampling.
Simple column-based text data file.
The columns are specified by a header, with step
and time
Simple text file, but not organized in columns. For each configuration, the structure is
chain_index chain_identity
where chain_index
is the unique index of the chain, chain_identity
is the chain identity or type, as defined by the index into the identities
vector in the structure input file, positions
and orientations
are the position and orientation vectors of each chain in order in row-major format.
Each chain that is added to the system during the simulation is given a unique index.
In contrast to the file types intended for use by VMD, in this file type, the number of domains per chain and the number of chains is not extended with null entries to keep the total number of domains constant.
The specifications for the VSF and VCF files can be found here.
Configurations from the simulation are able to be viewed with VMD. To do so, open vmd, click Extensions and open a TK Console, and then run
set libdir [directory containing the provided VMC Tcl scripts]
set filebase [filebase of the output files]
set system [filebase of the vsf file]
set staplelength [max_staple_length]
source $libdir/view_origami_coors.tcl
If viewing configurations from replica exchange, the filebase
variable should include the replicate index (or temperature if deconvoluted), while if viewing configurations from umbrella sampling, it should include the window and iteration.
The system
variable, on the other hand should not include these, as only one vsf
file is output per run.
It is also possible to view simulations live by setting vmd_pipe_freq
to a non-zero step frequency value, and then while the simulation is running, run
# vmd -e [libdir]/pipe.tcl -args [libdir] [filebase] [staplelength]
To ensure that the states are displayed with the proper colours, briefly run the simulation to generate some files, start vmd with the above command, and then begin the simulation again.
A python package, origamipy, that was used to analyze the results of simulations carried out with this program is also available.
[1] A. Cumberworth, A. Reinhardt, and D. Frenkel, Lattice models and Monte Carlo methods for simulating DNA origami self-assembly, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 234905 (2018).
[2] A. Cumberworth, D. Frenkel, and A. Reinhardt, Simulations of DNA-origami self-assembly reveal design-dependent nucleation barriers, (2022).
[3] A. Cumberworth, Monte Carlo simulation of DNA origami self-assembly, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge (2021).