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  • MySQL

Template Configurations

Template configuration files for local development or testing are available in config/templates. These files are copied into the config directory by spec/spec_helper.rb, but the resulting YAML files are git-ignored and should not be committed to the repository.


A generic arclight Solr configuration is provided in solr/conf. This configuration can be loaded into a local Solr instance for development or testing by running the command docker-compose up. The docker configuration will create a core called "acfa".

Setting Up A Development Finding Aids Server

  1. Install dependencies with bundle install. The application Gemfile indicates the required Ruby version.
  2. Run the rspec suite with bundle exec rspec - this will set up the default template configurations
  3. Run the database migrations against sqlite in development with bundle exec rake db:migrate
  4. To run with a local Solr instance: Run bundle exec rake acfa:server - this will bring up solr, seed it with example data, and start rails. To run with the Solr container: run bundle exec rake acfa:seed then run bundle exec rails s.