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Adding an Authority

E. Lynette Rayle edited this page May 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Configure the new linked data authority



CAUTION: This repository is a fork. It will attempt to send PRs to the source repository, but you want to commit all changes to this repository. When you create the PR, change base repository to be this repository.

Add to the application

There are several GitHub Actions that perform the required steps. For integration and staging, these will run automatically when the dev and main branches, respectively, are updated in the /configs/authorities/linked_data directory. The production machine is always manually updated. All of the scripts can be run manually if needed.

The following describe how to run each of the GitHub Actions related to adding new authorities to the application.

_NOTE: The instructions are for the production machine (-prod). The same instructions can be used to update the integration and staging machines by changing -prod to -int and -stg, respectively.

Sync with S3

  • cul-it/qa_server_aws_deploy -> Actions (tab)
  • click: sync-s3-prod (in the left side bar)
  • click: Run workflow (above table of recently run workflows)
  • select: main branch (keep as default dev branch for integration; use main for staging and production)
  • click button: Run workflow

Reload authorities

Authorities are not loaded in the application when new configurations are added. There is a GitHub action that will reload the authorities in the application. For integration and staging, these actions should automatically run.

NOTE: There is a 1 hour delay between the completion of the Sync action and the running of the Reload action. There are additional processes that have to complete in AWS once the files are in the S3 storage. For integration and staging, this delay happens automatically. For production, you will need to wait an hour before kicking off the reload authorities action.

WAIT: You have to wait one hour for the synchronization process to fully complete.

  • cul-it/qa_server_aws_deploy -> Actions (tab)
  • click: reload-auths-prod (in the left side bar)
  • click: Run workflow (above table of recently run workflows)
  • select: dev branch (branch doesn't really matter because this kicks off a process in the application)
  • click button: Run workflow