This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 7, 2019. It is now read-only.
- response.follow() for easy traversal of hypermedia APIs
- application/hal mime converter supports templated URLs, and resource.requestFor('relationship', request)
- full URI Template (rfc6570) support in rest/util/uriTemplate
- section aware URI encoding in rest/util/uriEncoder
- best fit MIME type resolution, including by suffix (i.e. '+json'). Parsed MIME type provided to converters
- installation via jspm and loader support for System.js
- support for Android 4.0-5.0 (no code changes required, now actively testing)
- support for Safari 8, iOS 8.0 and 8.1 (no code changes required, now actively testing)
- raw configuration objects are retained by interceptors, config objects are no longer begotten
- transient timeouts via config.transient on rest/interceptor/timeout, allows retry interceptor to wrap timeout
- extend JSON converter for custom reviver and replacers
- request.mixin properties attempt setting before before and after opening the request. Some browsers (IE) are sensitive to when the properties are set.
- wire.js rest factory interceptors now wire configuration objects
- normalize responses for linked and embedded resources from application/hal mime converter to always be a ResponsePromise