A Minecraft Lobby Plugin For BungeeCord Group Server To Make You Build Your Lobby And Manger Your Lobby More Easier
Why We Design This Plugin? For The Reason is that we need a plugin to manger our new server's lobby. But we thinks that our lobby server is not very fast.So we want to make a lightwidght plugin to support an apply our in needs
What This Plugin Can Do? To Make Your Player Spawn in The Location You Set To Personalize Your Lobby Server Chat And Deal With The Dirty Message To Anti Player Hurt Or Death( Even Auto Walk To The Void Fixed The Weather And The Time Of The Lobby World Optimization Your Server Performance So on ... For Pictures: We Test This Plugin In Our Server
At The End.... This is the first time I design the minecraft server plugin, I'm so glad to develop minecraft's addons and make it more fun and easier to play For the deficiencies of my project, I hope that I can fix it soon in the furture :)