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cu1ch3n committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 46dcb1e commit b39c3a0
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Showing 2 changed files with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions src/Alg/HDM/AlgR.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Alg.HDM.AlgR () where

import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (throwError))
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadTrans (lift), MonadWriter (tell))
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Tree (Tree (Node))
import Lib (InferMonad, freshTVar)
import Syntax (TmVar, Trm (..), TyVar, Typ (..), pattern TAll)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless hiding (Subst)

type ExCtx = [TyVar]

data TyCtxEntry = TVarBnd TyVar | ExCtx ExCtx | VarBnd TmVar Typ | Invis ExCtx Typ

type TyCtx = [TyCtxEntry]

type TyEqs = [(Typ, Typ)]

showExCtx :: ExCtx -> String
showExCtx = intercalate ", " . map (\a -> "^" ++ show a) . reverse

showExCtxTyp :: ExCtx -> Typ -> String
showExCtxTyp exCtx ty = "[" ++ showExCtx exCtx ++ "]" ++ show ty

showTyEqs :: TyEqs -> String
showTyEqs = intercalate ", " . map (\(ty1, ty2) -> show ty1 ++ " ~ " ++ show ty2)

instance Show TyCtxEntry where
show (TVarBnd a) = show a
show (ExCtx exCtx) = "(" ++ showExCtx exCtx ++ ")"
show (VarBnd x ty) = show x ++ " : " ++ show ty
show (Invis exCtx ty) = showExCtxTyp exCtx ty

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show TyCtx where
show = intercalate "; " . map show

mono :: Typ -> Bool
mono (TVar _) = True
mono (ETVar _) = True
mono TInt = True
mono TBool = True
mono (TArr ty1 ty2) = mono ty1 && mono ty2
mono ty = error $ "mono: not implemented for " ++ show ty

inst :: TyCtx -> Typ -> InferMonad (ExCtx, Typ, Tree String)
inst tyCtx ty = do
lift $ tell ["Instantiating: " ++ showInput]
case ty of
(TAll bnd) -> do
(a, ty') <- unbind bnd
(exCtx, ty'', tree) <- inst (ExCtx [a] : tyCtx) (subst a (ETVar a) ty')
ret "InstPoly" (a : exCtx) ty'' [tree]
_ | mono ty -> ret "InstMono" [] ty []
_ -> throwError $ "No rule matching: " ++ showInput
showInput = show tyCtx ++ " |- " ++ show ty
showOutput exCtx' ty' = showInput ++ " >= " ++ showExCtxTyp exCtx' ty'

ret :: String -> ExCtx -> Typ -> [Tree String] -> InferMonad (ExCtx, Typ, Tree String)
ret rule exCtx' ty' trees = do
lift $ tell ["Instantiated[" ++ rule ++ "]: " ++ showOutput exCtx' ty']
return (exCtx', ty', Node (rule ++ ": " ++ showOutput exCtx' ty') trees)

gen :: TyCtx -> Trm -> InferMonad (Typ, TyCtx, Tree String)
gen tyCtx tm = do
lift $ tell ["Generalizing: " ++ showInput]
(exCtx, ty, tyCtx', tree) <- infer tyCtx tm
let ty' = foldl (\ty'' a -> TAll $ bind a ty'') ty exCtx
lift $ tell ["Generalized: " ++ showOutput ty' tyCtx']
return (ty', tyCtx', Node ("Gen: " ++ showOutput ty' tyCtx') [tree])
showInput = show tyCtx ++ " |- " ++ show tm
showOutput ty' tyCtx' = showInput ++ " : " ++ show ty' ++ " -| " ++ show tyCtx'

infer :: TyCtx -> Trm -> InferMonad (ExCtx, Typ, TyCtx, Tree String)
-- Note here the return Typ is actually mono
infer tyCtx tm = do
lift $ tell ["Inferring: " ++ showInput]
case tm of
Var x | Just (VarBnd _ ty) <- find (\case VarBnd x' _ -> x == x'; _ -> False) tyCtx -> do
(exCtx, ty', tree) <- inst tyCtx ty
ret "Var" exCtx ty' tyCtx [tree]
LitInt _ -> ret "Int" [] TInt tyCtx []
LitBool _ -> ret "Bool" [] TBool tyCtx []
Lam bnd -> do
(x, e) <- unbind bnd
a <- freshTVar
(exCtx2, ty2, tyCtx', tree) <- infer (VarBnd x (ETVar a) : ExCtx [a] : tyCtx) e
case tyCtx' of
VarBnd x' ty1 : ExCtx exCtx1 : tyCtx''
| x == x' ->
ret "Abs" (exCtx2 ++ exCtx1) (TArr ty1 ty2) tyCtx'' [tree]
_ -> throwError $ show tyCtx' ++ " is not of the right form"
App tm1 tm2 -> do
(exCtx1, ty, tyCtx1, tree1) <- infer tyCtx tm1
(exCtx2, ty1, tyCtx2, tree2) <- infer (Invis exCtx1 ty : tyCtx1) tm2
case tyCtx2 of
Invis exCtx1' ty' : tyCtx2' -> do
a <- freshTVar
(tyCtx', tree3) <-
(Invis [] (ETVar a) : ExCtx (a : exCtx2 ++ exCtx1') : tyCtx2')
[(ty', TArr ty1 (ETVar a))]
case tyCtx' of
Invis [] ty'' : ExCtx exCtx : tyCtx'' ->
ret "App" exCtx ty'' tyCtx'' [tree1, tree2, tree3]
_ -> throwError $ show tyCtx' ++ " is not of the right form"
_ -> throwError $ show tyCtx2 ++ " is not of the right form"
Let tm1 bnd -> do
(x, tm2) <- unbind bnd
(ty, tyCtx', tree1) <- gen tyCtx tm1
(exCtx, ty', tyCtx'', tree2) <- infer (VarBnd x ty : tyCtx') tm2
case tyCtx'' of
VarBnd x' _ : tyCtx''' | x == x' -> do
ret "Let" exCtx ty' tyCtx''' [tree1, tree2]
_ -> throwError $ show tyCtx'' ++ " is not of the right form"
_ -> throwError $ "No rule matching: " ++ showInput
showInput = show tyCtx ++ " |- " ++ show tm
showOutput exCtx ty tyCtx' = showInput ++ " : " ++ showExCtxTyp exCtx ty ++ " -| " ++ show tyCtx'

ret :: String -> ExCtx -> Typ -> TyCtx -> [Tree String] -> InferMonad (ExCtx, Typ, TyCtx, Tree String)
ret rule exCtx ty tyCtx' trees = do
lift $ tell ["Inferred[" ++ rule ++ "]: " ++ showOutput exCtx ty tyCtx']
return (exCtx, ty, tyCtx', Node (rule ++ ": " ++ showOutput exCtx ty tyCtx') trees)

unify :: TyCtx -> TyEqs -> InferMonad (TyCtx, Tree String)
unify tyCtx tyEqs = do
lift $ tell ["Unifying: " ++ showInput]
case tyEqs of
[] -> ret "SolNil" tyCtx []
_ -> do
(tyCtx', tyEqs'') <- unifySingleStep tyCtx tyEqs
(tyCtx'', tree) <- unify tyCtx' tyEqs''
ret "SolCons" tyCtx'' [tree]
showInput = show tyCtx ++ " |- " ++ showTyEqs tyEqs
showOutput tyCtx' = showInput ++ " -| " ++ show tyCtx'

ret :: String -> TyCtx -> [Tree String] -> InferMonad (TyCtx, Tree String)
ret rule tyCtx' trees = do
lift $ tell ["Unified[" ++ rule ++ "]: " ++ showOutput tyCtx']
return (tyCtx', Node (rule ++ ": " ++ showOutput tyCtx') trees)

unifySingleStep :: TyCtx -> TyEqs -> InferMonad (TyCtx, TyEqs)
unifySingleStep = error "unifySingleStep: not implemented"

-- unifySingleStep tyCtx tyEqs = case tyEqs of
-- (ty1, ty2) : tyEqs' -> do
-- lift $ tell ["UnifyingSingleStep: " ++ showInput]
-- case (ty1, ty2) of
-- (TInt, TInt) -> return (tyCtx, tyEqs')
-- (TBool, TBool) -> return (tyCtx, tyEqs')
-- (ETVar a, ETVar b) | a == b -> return (tyCtx, tyEqs')
-- (TArr ty1' ty2', TArr ty1'' ty2'') -> return (tyCtx, (ty1', ty1'') : (ty2', ty2'') : tyEqs')
-- (ETVar a, TArr _ _) -> do
-- a1 <- freshTVar
-- a2 <- freshTVar
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions type-inference-zoo.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ library
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