This project contains sample code for common operations against UKCloud's ECS based Cloud Storage service. Whilst ECS itself supports both an S3 compatible and an EMC native API the samples in this repository are designed to work with the S3 compatible endpoint only.
In order to provide a common way to pass credentials to the sample code, each example will expect to be able to get credentials from environment variables. Please ensure the following are exported:
export UKCLOUD_S3_UID=A123456678912345
export UKCLOUD_S3_SECRET=ABC2346253HFDG453=
Test that the variables are set with:
printenv | grep S3
set | grep S3
To remove the variables that you set run:
for i in UID SECRET HOST; do unset UKCLOUD_S3_$i; done
To remove individual variables that you set run:
Examples are available for the following languages / SDKs
- Ruby (Fog)
- Python (Boto)
- Go (Minio)
Language specific instructions are available in each directory
The following common functions are demonstrated in these samples:
- Connect to ECS S3
- List all directories
- List a specific directory
- Create a directory
- Delete a directory
- List all files in a directory
- Upload a file
- Download a file
- Get a public url for a file
This repository is a work in progress and as such will be updated over time. If you would like to contribute examples, please Fork this repo and create a Pull Request with your contribution. If you would like to see examples of other functions not listed here but do not have time to contribute then please raise an Issue in Github and we will look at your request ASAP.