This Docker Compose spins up the GNU Health Hospital Information System (HIS):
It contains a PostgreSQL container, an application container running GNU Health through uWSGI and a Nginx container as reverse proxy.
To set it up follow the following instructions:
Run docker compose up -d --build
Install & run GNU Health client using Ansible or Vanilla installation
Connect to localhost:8080, use 'health' for empty database and 'ghdemo44' for demo database. Username is 'admin' and password 'gnusolidario'.
Run 'python3' for non interactive connection test
This is intended for developing and testing purposes - not for productive use!
The Docker image can be run with a number of environment variables allowing to configure it. Please see env template file for an example. This section explains every variable with a default value (that is set automatically if you don't set another one manually).
GNUHEALTH_DB_HOST ("db"): Hostname for PostgreSQL instance.
GNUHEALTH_DB_PORT (5432): Port for PostgreSQL instance.
GNUHEALTH_DB_USERNAME ("gnuhealth"): Database user name for PostgreSQL instance.
GNUHEALTH_DB_PW ("gnusolidario"): Password of database user name.
GNUHEALTH_DB_NAME ("health"): Name of database to create, owned by user specified above.
GNUHEALTH_ADMIN_MAIL ("[email protected]"): Admin email for Tryton client - does not break the program if it's not a valid one.
GNUHEALTH_ADMIN_PW ("gnusolidario"): Admin password in Tryton client (or Proteus if scripted access).
GNUHEALTH_DEMO_DB (true): Boolean to specify if demo database should be installed as well.
If you want to add HTTPS, follow this steps:
Add your certificate and key
Uncomment Option B in web-site/reverse_proxy.conf and insert your paths (or leave A & B)
Uncomment the line "- 8443:443" on the bottom of docker-compose.yml