Read WARNING.txt before using.
Questions? enter a new issue labeled as question, or e-mail [email protected].
- Description ====================================================================
CHIPSEC: Platform Security Assessment Framework
CHIPSEC is a framework for analyzing security of PC platforms including hardware, system firmware including BIOS/UEFI and the configuration of platform components. It allows creating security test suite, security assessment tools for various low level components and interfaces as well as forensic capabilities for firmware
CHIPSEC can run on any of these environments:
- Windows (client and server)
- Linux
- UEFI Shell
NOTE: This software is for security testing purposes. Use at your own risk.
- Installation ====================================================================
CHIPSEC supports Windows, Linux, and UEFI shell. Circumstances surrounding the target platform may change which of these environments is most appropriate. When running CHIPSEC as part of a corporate IT management infrastructure, Windows may be preferred. However, sometimes it may be preferable to assess the platform security without interfering with the normal operating system. In these instances, CHIPSEC may be run from a bootable USB thumb drive - either a Live Linux image or a UEFI shell.
Supports the following client versions:
- Windows 8 x86 and AMD64
- Windows 7 x86 and AMD64
- Windows XP (support discontinued)
Supports the following server versions:
- Windows Server 2012 x86 and AMD64
- Windows Server 2008 x86 and AMD64
Install Python (
- Tested on 2.7.x and Python 2.6.x
- E.g. Python 2.7.6 (
Install additional packages for installed Python release (in any order)
- (REQUIRED) pywin32: for Windows API support (
- (OPTIONAL) WConio : if you need colored console output (
- (OPTIONAL) py2exe : if you need to build chipsec executables ( Note: packages have to match Python platform (e.g. AMD64 package on Python AMD64)
Build chipsec Windows driver (skip this step if you already have chipsec_hlpr.sys driver binary for your version of Windows) See instructions in <CHIPSEC_PATH>\source\drivers\win7\readme
Copy chipsec driver (chipsec_hlpr.sys) to proper path in CHIPSEC <CHIPSEC_PATH>\source\tool\chipsec\helper\win\win7_<platform.machine> where <platform.machine> is "x86" or "amd64" (Default path is <CHIPSEC_PATH>\source\tool\chipsec\helper\win\win7_amd64)
Turn off kernel driver signature checks
Windows 8 64-bit (with Secure Boot enabled) / Windows Server 2012 64-bit (with Secure Boot enabled):
- In CMD shell: shutdown /r /t 0 /o
- Navigate: Troubleshooting > Advanced Settings > Startup Options > Reboot
- After reset choose F7 "Disable driver signature checks" OR
- Disable Secure Boot in the BIOS setup screen then disable driver signature checks as in Windows 8 with Secure Boot disabled
Windows 7 64-bit (AMD64) / Windows Server 2008 64-bit (AMD64) / Windows 8 (with Secure Boot disabled) / Windows Server 2012 (with Secure Boot disabled)):
- Boot in Test mode (allows self-signed certificates)
- Start CMD.EXE as Adminstrator
- Reboot If doesn't work, run these additional commands:
- BcdEdit /set noIntegrityChecks ON
- BcdEdit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS OR
- Press F8 when booting Windows and choose "No driver signatures enforcement" option to turn off driver signature checks at all
Notes on loading chipsec kernel driver:
- On Windows 7, launch CMD.EXE as Administrator
- CHIPSEC will attempt to automatically register and start its service (load driver) or call existing if it's already started.
- (OPTIONAL) You can manually register and start the service/driver. Follow below instructions before running CHIPSEC then run it with "--exists" command-line option. CHIPSEC will not attempt to start the driver but will call already running driver.
To start the service (in cmd.exe)
sc create chipsec binpath="<PATH_TO_CHIPSEC_DIR>\\chipsec\\win\\<YOUR_PLATFORM>\\chipsec_hlpr.sys" type= kernel DisplayName="Chipsec driver"
sc start chipsec
Then to stop/delete service:
sc stop chipsec
sc delete chipsec
If you don't have bootable USB thumb drive with UEFI Shell yet, you need to build it:
- Download UDK from Tianocore (Tested with UDK2010.SR1)
- Follow instructions in DuetPkg/ReadMe.txt to create a bootable USB thumb drive with UEFI Shell (DUET)
- Extract contents of install/UEFI/chipsec_uefi.7z to the DUET USB drive
- This will create /efi/Tools directory with Python.efi and /efi/StdLib with subdirectories
- Copy contents of CHIPSEC (source/tool) to the DUET USB drive
- Reboot to the USB drive (this will load UEFI shell)
- Run CHIPSEC in UEFI shell
cd source/tool
python (or python
You don't need to read this section if you don't plan on extending native UEFI functionality for CHIPSEC.
Native functions accessing HW resources are built directly into Python UEFI port in built-in edk2 module. If you want to add more native functionality to Python UEFI port for chipsec, you'll need to re-build Python for UEFI:
- Check out AppPkg with Python 2.7.2 port for UEFI from SVN
- You'll also need to check out StdLib and StdLibPrivateInternalFiles packages from SVN
- Alternatively download latest EADK (EDK II Application Development Kit) from EADK includes AppPkg/StdLib/StdLibPrivateInternalFiles. Unfortunately, EADK Alpha 2 doesn't have Python 2.7.2 port so you'll need to check it out SVN
- Add functionality to Python port for UEFI
- Python 2.7.2 port for UEFI is in \AppPkg\Applications\Python
- All chipsec related functions are in \AppPkg\Applications\Python\Efi\edk2module.c "#ifdef CHIPSEC" Asm functions are in \AppPkg\Applications\Python\Efi\cpu.asm
- e.g. is C:\UDK2010.SR1
- Build /AppPkg with Python
- Read instructions in \AppPkg\ReadMe.txt and \AppPkg\Applications\Python\PythonReadMe.txt
- Binaries of AppPkg and Python will be in \Build\AppPkg\DEBUG_MYTOOLS\X64\
- Create directories and copy Python files on DUET USB drive
- Do not use Python binaries from python_uefi.7z, copy newly generated
- Read instructions in \AppPkg\Applications\Python\PythonReadMe.txt
Tested on:
- Linux 3.2.6 x32 (Mint/Ubuntu)
- Linux 2.6.32 x32 (Ubuntu)
- Fedora 20 LXDE 64bit
Creating a Live Linux image with CHIPSEC:
- Download things you will need:
- Download chipsec
- liveusb-creator:
- desired Linux image (e.g. 64bit Fedora 20 LXDE)
- Use liveusb-creator to image a USB stick with the desired linux image. Include as much persistent storage as possible.
- Reboot to USB
- Update and install necessary packages
#> yum install kernel kernel-devel python python-devel gcc
- Copy chipsec to the USB stick
Installing CHIPSEC:
Build Linux driver for CHIPSEC
#> cd source/drivers/linux
#> make
Load CHIPSEC driver in running system
#> cd source/drivers/linux
#> chmod 755
#> sudo ./ or sudo make install
#> cd source/tool
#> sudo python
(or#> sudo python
Remove CHIPSEC driver after using
#> sudo make uninstall
Usage ====================================================================
Open elevated Windows command shell (CMD.EXE) as Administrator
- In command shell, run
python --help
USAGE: [options]
-m --module specify module to run (example: -m common.bios)
-a --module_args additional module arguments, format is 'arg0,arg1..'
-v --verbose verbose mode
-l --log output to log file
-p --platform platform in [ SNB | IVB | JKT | BYT | IVT | BDW | HSW | HSX ]
-n --no_driver chipsec won't need kernel mode functions so don't load chipsec driver
-i --ignore_platform run chipsec even if the platform is an unrecognized platform.
-e --exists chipsec service has already been manually installed and started (driver loaded).
-x --xml specify filename for xml output (JUnit style).
-t --moduletype run tests of a specific type (tag).
--list_tags list all the available options for -t,--moduletype
Use "--no-driver" command-line option if the module you are executing does not require loading kernel mode driver Chipsec won't load/unload the driver and won't try to access existing driver
Use "--exists" command-line option if you manually installed and start chipsec driver (see "install_readme" file). Otherwise chipsec will automatically attempt to create and start its service (load driver) or open existing service if it's already started
- you can also use CHIPSEC to access various hardware resources:
python help
- The directory should contain file ''.
- Install CHIPSEC into your system's site-packages directory:
# python install
- Directories "bin/" should already contain compiled CHIPSEC binaries: "chipsec_main.exe", "chipsec_util.exe"
- To run all security tests run "chipsec_main.exe" from "bin" directory:
# chipsec_main.exe
- To access hardware resources run "chipsec_util.exe" from "bin" directory:
# chipsec_util.exe
If directory "bin" doesn't exist, then you can compile CHIPSEC executables:
- Install "py2exe" package from
- From root chipsec directory run "" as follows:
# python build_exe_<platform>.py py2exe
- chipsec_main.exe, chipsec_util.exe executables and required libraries will be created in "bin/" directory
- CHIPSEC Components/Structure ==================================================================== - main application logic and automation functions - utility functions (access to various hardware resources)
chipsec/ - chipset detection
chipsec/ - logging functions
chipsec/ - reading from/writing to files
chipsec/ - common include file for modules
chipsec/helper/ - OS helper: wrapper around platform specific code that invokes kernel driver
chipsec/helper/ - support for JUnit compatible XML output (-x command-line option)
chipsec/hal/ - components responsible for access to hardware (Hardware Abstraction Layer):
chipsec/hal/ - Access to PCIe config space
chipsec/hal/ - Database of PCIe vendor and device IDs
chipsec/hal/ - Access to physical memory
chipsec/hal/ - Access to CPU resources (for each CPU thread): Model Specific Registers (MSR), IDT/GDT
chipsec/hal/ - Access to MMIO (Memory Mapped IO) BARs and Memory-Mapped PCI Configuration Space (MMCFG)
chipsec/hal/ - Access to SPI Flash parts
chipsec/hal/ - Microcode update specific functionality (for each CPU thread)
chipsec/hal/ - Access to Port I/O Space
chipsec/hal/ - Access to SMBus Controller in the PCH
chipsec/hal/ - Main UEFI component using platform specific and common UEFI functionality
chipsec/hal/ - Common UEFI functionality (EFI variables, db/dbx decode, etc.)
chipsec/hal/ - Platform specific UEFI functionality (parsing platform specific EFI NVRAM, capsules, etc.)
chipsec/hal/ - CPU Interrupts specific functions (SMI, NMI)
chipsec/hal/ - CMOS memory specific functions (dump, read/write)
chipsec/hal/ - CPUID information
chipsec/hal/ - SPI Flash Descriptor binary parsing functionality
chipsec/helper/win/ - Windows helper
chipsec/helper/linux/ - Linux helper
chipsec/helper/efi/ - UEFI/EFI shell helper
chipsec/cfg/ - platform specific configuration includes:
chipsec/cfg/ - common configuration
chipsec/cfg/<platform>.py - configuration for a specific <platform>
chipsec/utilcmd/ - command-line extensions for
chipsec/utilcmd/<command> - implements "chipsec_util <command>" command-line extension
chipsec/modules/ - modules including tests or tools (that's where most of the chipsec functionality is)
chipsec/modules/common/ - modules common to all platforms
chipsec/modules/<platform_code>/ - modules specific to <platform_code> platform
chipsec/modules/tools/ - security tools based on CHIPSEC framework (fuzzers, etc.)
bist.cmd - built-in self test for various basic HW functionality to make sure it's not broken - setup script to install CHIPSEC as a package
<CHIPSEC_ROOT>/build/build_exe_*.py - make files to build Windows executables
- CHIPSEC Extension Modules and API ====================================================================
In the most basic sense, a platform module is just a python script with a top-level function called check_all(). These modules are stored under the chipsec installation directory in a subdirectory "modules". The "modules" directory contains one subdirectory for each chipset that chipsec supports. Internally the chipsec application uses the concept of a module name, which is a string of the form:
This means module 'common.bios_wp' is a python script called "" that is stored at "<ROOT_DIR>\chipsec\modules\common\".
Implement a function called check_all() in your module o Use other chipsec components for support o See 'CHIPSEC Components/API' section
Copy your module into the "chipsec/modules/" directory structure o Modules specific to certain chipset should be in "chipsec/modules/<chipset_code>" directory o Modules common to all supported chipsets should be in "chipsec/modules/common" directory
If a new chipset needs to be added: o Create directory for the new chipset in "chipsec/modules" o Create empty "" in new directory o Modify "chipsec/" to include detection for the chipset you are adding
The component can also be run from a python interactive shell or used in other python scripts. The module contains application logic in the form of a set of python functions for this purpose:
run_module('module_path') Immediately calls module.check_all() and returns. Does not affect internal loaded modules list.
load_module('module_path') Loads a module into the internal module list for batch processing
unload_module('module_path') Unloads a module from the internal module list
load_my_modules() Loads all modules from "modules\common" and (if the current chipset is recognized) "modules\<chipset_code>" into an internal list for batch processing.
run_loaded_modules() Calls the check_all() function from every module in the internal loaded modules list
clear_loaded_modules() Empties the internal loaded module list
run_all_checks() Calls load_my_modules() followed by run_loaded_modules() This function executes all existing security checks for a given chipset/platform. Calling this function in Python shell is equivalent to executing standalone "" or "chipsec_main.exe"
import chipsec_main
chipsec_main._cs.init(True) # if chipsec driver is not running