You can visit Pokestops, encounter Pokemon (normal/lure/incense), catch Pokemon, drop items, use items and everything else.
// Initialize the client with the required settings
var client = new Client(new Settings
AuthType = AuthType.Google,
Latitude = 0,
Longitude = 0,
Altitude = 0,
Username = "[email protected]",
Password = "fake"
// Login to the API - throws a GoogleException if something goes wrong
await _client.Login.DoGoogleLogin();
// Use the API by calling any of the methods available
var inventory = await _client.Inventory.GetInventory();
var profile = await _client.Player.GetOwnProfile();
var playerStats = await _inventory.GetPlayerStats();
var settings = await _client.Download.GetSettings();
var mapObjects = await _client.Map.GetMapObjects();
var updateLocation = await _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation();
var encounter = await _client.Encounter.EncounterPokemon(encId, spawnId);
var catchPokemon = await _client.Encounter.CatchPokemon(pokemon.EncounterId, pokemon.SpawnPointId, pokeball)
var evolvePokemon = await _client.Inventory.EvolvePokemon(pokemonId);
var transfer = await _client.Inventory.TransferPokemon(pokemonId);
var recycle = await _client.Inventory.RecycleItem(item.ItemId, item.Count);
var useBerry = await _client.Encounter.UseCaptureItem(encounterId, ItemId.ItemRazzBerry, spawnPointId);
var fortInfo = await _client.Fort.GetFort(pokeStopId, pokeStopLatitude, pokeStopLongitude);
var fortSearch = await _client.Fort.SearchFort(pokeStopId, pokeStopLatitude, pokeStopLongitude);
// ...
According to the company:
“Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices. With Pokémon GO, you’ll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO is built on Niantic’s Real World Gaming Platform and will use real locations to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. Pokémon GO allows you to find and catch more than a hundred species of Pokémon as you explore your surroundings.”
This Project is licensed as GPLv3
This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Niantic, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API for educational use ONLY. Use at your own risk.