Everyone watches movies and sound effects make movies better, more dramatic. The idea that our team had for the Global AI Hackathon (June 23–25, 2017) is simple. We prototyped adding a sound effect to the evocative parts of a movie.
Using artificial intelligence (AI), Auto-Foley watch movies by reading the subtitles, finds the funny parts, and add a given sound effect to these funny parts. We implement this AI by using pysrt
to parse the subtitles, spaCy
to do natural language processing and sentiment analysis, and ffmpeg
to add the sound effect to the movie at the right times.
# Setup conda environment
conda create --name autofoley python=2.7
# Activate environment
source activate autofoley
# Install dependencies:
conda install spacy
python -m spacy download en
conda install nltk
pip install pysrt
brew install ffmpeg
$ python src/main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [-m SPACY_MODEL] [-t THRESHOLD] [-w TARGET_WORD]
[--video VIDEO] [--sub SUBTITLE_TRACK] [--sound SOUND_TRACK]
Hacking sound into video
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Output mp4 video. Default = 'out.mp4'
Model arguments:
spaCy model to use. Default = 'en'.
More information at https://spacy.io/docs/usage/models
Threshold for sound effect. Default = 0.58.
-w TARGET_WORD, --target_word TARGET_WORD
Word used for modelling. Default = 'sad'.
Path to file arguments:
--video VIDEO mp4 video clip
--sub SUBTITLE_TRACK srt subtitle track of the video clip
--sound SOUND_TRACK wav file containing a sound effect to add.
python src/main.py --video data/casablanca-rEWaqUVac3M.mp4 --sub data/casablanca-rEWaqUVac3M.srt --sound data/sad-trombone-73581_634166-lq.wav --w sad
Team: Celia, Scott, Albertina, Jacky, Casey, Jeff, Nomoyun, Michael