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Simple API key management service developed in Python with rights synchronization via Keycloak


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API Key Manager

APIKeyManager is - as the name probably suggests - an API key manager. Developed as a Python service, it will generate and manage unique codes for identifying and authenticating users, applications or services accessing the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) of underlying services protected in this way, and assigning rights to these services.

The aim of this service is to enable users to generate API keys that they can use with various off-the-shelf tools and libraries that do not support OIDC (like GDAL) while guaranteeing sufficient security and fine-grained management of API rights/capabilities.

Its functionalities can be compared to the token authentication offered by tools like Gitlab: a user uses the OIDC service to connect to GitLab and generate API keys. These can then be used directly, without the need for complex authentication mechanisms, with limited rights and on a specific set of projects.

The need for a simple authentication mecanisms (by header or via the query), is notably motivated by the direct exploitation of data with tools such as GDAL, RasterIO, QGIS, JupyterLab... The use of Keycloak and JWT tokens has also been envisaged, but a user can only have a defined number of tokens for his or her services (only one per OIDC client), and this token is available only to a limited number of users.

Main features

The APIKeyManager component offers the following functions:

  • API key generation: allows new API keys to be created for developers or authenticated users from an OIDC session. An API key can have a validity date, rights to specific applications, a list of hosts from which the API key is valid, and a free section, allowing integrators to implement specific parameters in their applications.
  • Key revocation: enables existing API keys to be revoked if necessary, for example in the event of compromise or change of access.
  • Monitoring and analysis: APIKeyManager provides monitoring and analysis of key usage, via a counting mechanism (currently very simple).
  • SSO rights synchronization: APIKeyManager enables you to retrieve the user's Keycloak rights, and synchronize them with the key's rights. If the user is deactivated in Keycloak, his API keys are automatically revoked after a given time, even if their expiry date has not been reached. Groups are also synchronized, to provide information to the underlying services if necessary.
  • Security: Protection of key verification APIs against brute-force attacks, management of keys requiring OIDC authentication.



Create API Key workflow

Create API Key

Use API Key workflow




virtualenv -p python3.11 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e . --no-cache-dir
uvicorn app.main:app --host localhost --port 9999 --reload --log-config=log_config.yaml

Env vars

Variable Description Default
APIKM_NAME Application name "API-Key Manager"
APIKM_ROOT_PATH API root path ""
APIKM_DEBUG DEBUG mode (display SQL queries) False
APIKM_CORS_ORIGINS_REGEX Allow CORS from (regexp) ".*"
APIKM_DATABASE_URL Database to store API Keys "sqlite:///./test.db"
APIKM_DEFAULT_APIKEY_TTL_HOUR Default lifetime of an API Key (in hour) 360
APIKM_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET OIDC Secret used to sync user info from Keycloak ""
APIKM_RATE_LIMIT Rate limiter configuration for the check apikey endpoint 20/minute
APIKM_KEYCLOAK_SYNC_FREQ Sync frequency of a user with data stored in Keycloak (in seconds) 300
APIKM_SHOW_TECHNICAL_ENDPOINTS Show technical endoints (health) False
APIKM_USE_AUTHLIB_OAUTH If False: use the OpenIdConnect authentication.
If True: use the authlib OAuth authentication instead.
APIKM_SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION Description displayed in the swagger front page "APIKeyManager is a centralized Python-oriented API Key manager"
APIKM_CONTACT_NAME Contact name displayed in the swagger front page "CS Group France"
APIKM_CONTACT_URL Contact url displayed in the swagger front page ""
APIKM_CONTACT_EMAIL Contact email displayed in the swagger front page "[email protected]"
APIKM_OPENAPI_URL The URL where the OpenAPI schema will be served from "/openapi.json"




Install development environment

Creating the development environment :

virtualenv -p python3.11 venv
source venv/bin/activate

setuptools allows you to install a package without copying any files to your interpreter directory (e.g. the site-packages directory). This allows you to modify your source code and have the changes take effect without you having to rebuild and reinstall. Here’s how to do it:

pip install -e .[dev] --no-cache-dir

To run precommit rules against all the files

pre-commit install # Enable precommit
pre-commit run --all-files

Launch test

The execution of the tests is done with pytest. It is fully automated, thanks to the use of pytest-docker which will automatically start a timescaledb container to run the tests. The launch of the tests is simply done with the following command :

python -m pytest

Run with uvicorn

uvicorn app.main:app --host localhost --port 9999 --reload --log-config=log_config.yaml

You can check the API docs at localhost:9999.

Run with docker container

Build image

docker build -t apikeymanager:latest .

Use it

docker run --name apikeymanager --rm \
    -e APIKM_OIDC_REALM='' \
    -p 9999:8000 \

You can check the API docs at localhost:8000.

Publish the Docker image to the Image repository

docker image tag apikeymanager:latest

docker push


Create a robot account in the harbor interface to access GeoJson Proxy Image

kubectl create namespace apikeymanager

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username='<LOGIN>' --docker-password='<PASSWORD>' --docker-server='' --namespace apikeymanager

Deploy APIKey Manager

helm upgrade --install apikeymanager ./deploy/helm/apikeymanager --namespace apikeymanager --values deploy/helm/values.yaml

Remove APIKey Manager

helm delete apikeymanager --namespace apikeymanager

Copyright and License

Copyright 2023-2024, CS GROUP France

apikeymanager is a free and open source software, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE.txt file for more information, or the quick summary of this license on Legal website.


Simple API key management service developed in Python with rights synchronization via Keycloak




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Contributors 4
