inTouch is a search engine for contacts. user can easily search another user contacts by using Phone number, Name, city, organisation or even with their notes.
Based on String matching, just enter a partial string, inTouch will bring all the matching contacts to you in a nice tableView. Implemented using MVC and MVVM design pattern.
- Make a clone of repo
- run the App in actual device or Simulator
- Having SearchBox
- Serach work across all the field like name, number, organisation, notes, city etc.
- Search result is highlighting matching results
- Tapping on contact shows details of contact on parallax View
- Each contact assign a unique photo from 15 photos. same photo is assign on every app launch
- There is no photo information stored in main realm databse or any storage. assigning done at run time
- Contact databse size is 5000.
- User can call or Message to particular contact.
- Left swipe bring two option for user: Delete, favorite.
- User can create a Favorite list of contacts, later they can remove contacts from favorite list, it will not affect main Contacts Database.
- User can delete contacts from main Database Table, when delete from search results Table.
- 3D touch not available, as 3D touch is not able to test on iphone 5S or in iOS Simulator.
inTouch App is tested on iphone 5S and iphone 8 plus simultor using.
- ios 11.0+
- xcode 9.0+
InstaCam is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.