Cyborg is a telegram chatbot that has been designed to answers queries of the first year students.
Open telegram and search for @cyborg_gcs_bot. Here is the direct link : .
The bot accepts the following commands:
- /start : This starts the bot and it is now ready to receive queries.
- /help : Help command
Cyborg is able to answer queries of the following type:
- General : Telling jokes, my age, cheering up the mood!
- GCS : FAQs asked by freshers about various things related to college
- programming : PC club queries, programming errors, suggestions, doubts and any other programming related queries!
The database is written in a JSON format. This is how it looks:
"intents": [
{"tag": "greeting",
"patterns": ["Hi", "Hey", "How are you", "Is anyone there?", "Hello", "Good day", "Whats up"],
"responses": ["Hello!", "Good to see you again!", "Hi there, how can I help?", "Hello! I'm Dexter. How may I help you?", "Hey there!"],
Terms used:
- patterns : All different queries that a user might enter are put in the "patterns".
- responses : After interpreting the user’s query, the chatbot will have to reply to the query and this reply will be randomly selected from the set of predefined replies in “responses”
- tag : groups a set of similar patterns and responses to a specific category so that it’ll be easier for the model to predict which category a particular pattern represents.