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Go to Build private network and test
Go to Build private network and test
- Blockchain Economy, 이흥노
- Blockchain and the Civil Society, 홍은표 판사
- ICO/IEO/STO/ Crpyto Economy, 장중혁, 아톰릭스컨설팅 이사
- Blockchain and World Economy, 오정근, 한국금융ICT융합학회 회장
- Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain, 정순형, (주)온더 대표
- Blockchain and Innovative Nation, 전하진, 블록체인협회 위원장
- Blockchain and Regulation Reform, 구태언 변호사
- Blockchain and Financial Policy, 김기흥 경기대 교수
- Blockchain and Judicial System, 황경태 법무법인 헤리티지 변호사
- Blockchain-Based Distributed Patient-Centric Image Management System, IEEE
- Profitable Double-Spending Attacks
- Time-Variant Proof-of-Work Using Error-Correction Codes