Project PI : Heung-No Lee
Email : [email protected]
Writer : Hyoungsung Kim(김형성)
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]
Github for this example :
For more information : INFONET
- Eth-ECC is an Ethereum blockchain which INFONET has made public at github. The new characteristic of this blockchain is to enable ECCPoW a new protocol for time-varying proof-of-work generation system.
- This package is designed to run in Linux-environment. For this you need to download and install Linux-mint (see below). If you are Windows users, you need to install the Linux-mint first. If you are Linux users, you may skip this part.
- Under the assumption that you are in a Linux environment, you may follow this note to proceed. This note is to illustrate how to locate the Eth-ECC package at the github link, download, install, and run Eth-ECC in a local computer.
For Windows, please visit Windows instruciton before start. Eth-ECC package uses the follow two environment
- Linux mint 19.1 or Linux manjaro 19.0.0
- Go (version 1.10 or later) develope language
You can follow two step below to download Eth-ECC and install(build)
Download can be done as follows
- First
Eth-ECC repository to a directory that you want to locate Eth-ECC - For
, open terminal in the driectory and type command below
$ git clone
Then Eth-ECC will be downloaded.
- Installation of Eth-ECC can be done as follows
After download is completed, move to ETH-ECC
directory, open terminal and type this command
$ make all
If build is successful then you can see geth
in /ETH-ECC/build/bin
In this chapter, we will follow three steps
- Configure Eth-ECC environment.
- In order to run Eth-ECC, you need to configure the network settings. They include chainID, network name, and consensus algorithm. This is done with
- In order to run Eth-ECC, you need to configure the network settings. They include chainID, network name, and consensus algorithm. This is done with
- Set the directory path for block data stroage
- Run Eth-ECC
- For our network, we have to make a
genesis file
firstgenesis file
includes network settings(chainID, network name and consensus algorithm)
- You need to find
which is located in same directory(/Eth-ECC/build/bin) withgeth
Run puppeth
and follow the steps below
[hskim@hskim-pc bin]$ ./puppeth
| Welcome to puppeth, your Ethereum private network manager |
| |
| This tool lets you create a new Ethereum network down to |
| the genesis block, bootnodes, miners and ethstats servers |
| without the hassle that it would normally entail. |
| |
| Puppeth uses SSH to dial in to remote servers, and builds |
| its network components out of Docker containers using the |
| docker-compose toolset. |
Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)
> eccpow1
Sweet, you can set this via --network=eccpow1 next time!
INFO [02-14|21:21:23.414] Administering Ethereum network name=eccpow1
WARN [02-14|21:21:23.414] No previous configurations found path=/home/hskim/.puppeth/eccpow1
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Show network stats
2. Configure new genesis
3. Track new remote server
4. Deploy network components
> 2
What would you like to do? (default = create)
1. Create new genesis from scratch
2. Import already existing genesis
> 1
Which consensus engine to use? (default = clique)
1. Ethash - proof-of-work
2. Clique - proof-of-authority
3. EccPoW - proof-of-work with LDPC
> 3
Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one)
> 0x
Should the precompile-addresses (0x1 .. 0xff) be pre-funded with 1 wei? (advisable yes)
Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
> 12345
INFO [02-14|21:21:58.917] Configured new genesis block
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Show network stats
2. Manage existing genesis
3. Track new remote server
4. Deploy network components
> 2
1. Modify existing configurations
2. Export genesis configurations
3. Remove genesis configuration
> 2
Which folder to save the genesis specs into? (default = current)
Will create eccpow1.json, eccpow1-aleth.json, eccpow1-harmony.json, eccpow1-parity.json
INFO [02-14|21:22:02.800] Saved native genesis chain spec path=eccpow1.json
ERROR[02-14|21:22:02.800] Failed to create Aleth chain spec err="unsupported consensus engine"
ERROR[02-14|21:22:02.800] Failed to create Parity chain spec err="unsupported consensus engine"
INFO [02-14|21:22:02.803] Saved genesis chain spec client=harmony path=eccpow1-harmony.json
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Show network stats
2. Manage existing genesis
3. Track new remote server
4. Deploy network components
> ^C
is name of genesis file- you can see
in directory
- you can see
is 12345. You can change it, but you have to avoid already definedchainID
- You can exit using
is the most important part of this process. Because, geth can recognize a network using chainID
. In ethereum network, There are already defined chainIDs
. you can see more detail from here
0: Olympic; Ethereum public pre-release testnet
1: Frontier; Homestead, Metropolis, the Ethereum public main network
1: Classic; The (un)forked public Ethereum Classic main network, chain ID 61
1: Expanse; An alternative Ethereum implementation, chain ID 2
2: Morden; The public Ethereum testnet, now Ethereum Classic testnet
3: Ropsten; The public cross-client Ethereum testnet
4: Rinkeby: The public Geth Ethereum testnet
42: Kovan; The public Parity Ethereum testnet
77: Sokol; The public POA testnet
99: POA; The public Proof of Authority Ethereum network
7762959: Musicoin; The music blockchain
Except these, you can use any chainId
like 12345 what i did.
Now we have to make a directory to store information. I made geth-test
folder. You can make it anywhere. my directory is /home/hskim/Documents/geth-test
Move to /Eth-ECC/build/bin
, open terminal and follow it
$ ./geth --datadir your_own_storage init genesis_file_name.json
For example, in my case
(EXAMPLE) $ ./geth --datadir /home/hskim/Documents/geth-test init eccpow1.json
Once the above is initiated, the following terminal message shows up.
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.266] Bumping default cache on mainnet provided=1024 updated=4096
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.268] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.268] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.271] Allocated cache and file handles database=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth/chaindata cache=16.00MiB handles=16
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.284] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.284] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=0 size=0.00B time=3.725µs gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.285] Successfully wrote genesis state database=chaindata hash=ab944c…55600c
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.285] Allocated cache and file handles database=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth/lightchaindata cache=16.00MiB handles=16
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.302] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.302] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=0 size=0.00B time=3.632µs gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [08-06|20:49:41.303] Successfully wrote genesis state database=lightchaindata hash=ab944c…55600c
After that, you can see geth and keystore folders in your storage folder:
Open terminal in /Eth-ECC/build/bin
and follow it
$ ./geth --datadir Your_own_storage --networkid YOUR_NETWORK_ID console
We set the chainid
as 12345 when we make genesis file(In this example, genesis file name is eccpow1.json
). Therefore our networkid
is 12345 too
In my case,
(EXAMPLE) $ ./geth --datadir /home/hskim/Documents/geth-test --networkid 12345 console
Then you can see
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.867] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.867] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.870] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=Geth/v1.9.2-unstable-aa6005b4-20190805/linux-amd64/go1.12.7
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.870] Allocated trie memory caches clean=256.00MiB dirty=256.00MiB
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.870] Allocated cache and file handles database=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth/chaindata cache=512.00MiB handles=524288
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Opened ancient database database=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth/chaindata/ancient
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 12345 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: false EIP150: <nil> EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: <nil> Constantinople: <nil> Petersburg: <nil> Engine: unknown}"
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches dir=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth/ethash count=3
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs dir=/home/hskim/.ethash count=2
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Initialising Ethereum protocol versions=[63] network=12345 dbversion=7
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.944] Loaded most recent local header number=0 hash=ab944c…55600c td=400 age=50y3mo3w
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.944] Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=ab944c…55600c td=400 age=50y3mo3w
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.944] Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=ab944c…55600c td=400 age=50y3mo3w
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.945] Loaded local transaction journal transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.945] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.951] Allocated fast sync bloom size=512.00MiB
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.951] Initialized fast sync bloom items=0 errorrate=0.000 elapsed=37.353µs
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.997] New local node record seq=3 id=65c5b16ab4aa9e9f ip= udp=30303 tcp=30303
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.998] Started P2P networking self=enode://3e6e6cc9fd56954e02f3807813e086827ddf0576d0c969f67a915691ec3f879867332ba4911048fd513672856c63a2746063706005c6d777f670ae16c2c4a384@
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.999] IPC endpoint opened url=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/geth.ipc
WARN [08-06|21:27:44.088] Served eth_coinbase reqid=3 t=16.874µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
instance: Geth/v1.9.2-unstable-aa6005b4-20190805/linux-amd64/go1.12.7
at block: 0 (Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:00 KST)
datadir: /home/hskim/Documents/geth-test
modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 ethash:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
At last line, you can see console pointer(>).
There are some lines of the box above that we need to check
INFO [08-06|21:27:43.904] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 12345 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: false EIP150: <nil> EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: <nil> Constantinople: <nil> Petersburg: <nil> Engine: unknown}"
In this line, we can check ChainID is 12345.
Now our Eth-ECC network is running!
- Basic tests
- We will make an account, mine block and check result of mining
- Make a transaction
- (Appendix) Block generation time log
In this test, we will follow 3 steps
- Generate account
- Check account's balance
- Mining
Now let's test our private network
> eth.blockNumber
> eth.accounts
check the number of blocks. We just generate this network. Therefore there is 0 block. eth.account
check accounts of network. There are no accounts.
Let's generate account
> personal.newAccount("Alice")
INFO [08-06|21:33:36.241] Your new key was generated address=0xb8C941069cC2B71B1a00dB15E6E00A200d387039
WARN [08-06|21:33:36.241] Please backup your key file! path=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/keystore/UTC--2019-08-06T12-33-34.442823142Z--b8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039
WARN [08-06|21:33:36.241] Please remember your password!
We just generated the address of Alice:0xb8C941069cC2B71B1a00dB15E6E00A200d387039
. We can check using geth
> eth.accounts
we will use it as miner's address so block generation reward will be sent to Alice's address
Before mining, let's check Alice's balance
> eth.getBalance("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])
There are 2 ways to check balance.
- First, using address directly
- Second, using random access of `eth.accounts`. Alice's account is first account of our network. so we can call it as `eth.account[0]`
I will use first one in this example to avoid confusion.
As we expect, there is no ether at all. Let's do mining.
First we have to set miner's address. For this, we will use 3 commands
- miner.setEtherbase(address)
- It sets miner's address. Mining reward will be sent to this account
- miner.start(number of threads)
- Start mining. You can set how many threads you will use. I will use 1 thread
- If your CPU has enough core, you can use higher number. It will work faster.
- miner.stop()
- Stop mining
> miner.setEtherbase("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
> miner.start(1)
INFO [08-06|21:42:38.198] Updated mining threads threads=1
INFO [08-06|21:42:38.198] Transaction pool price threshold updated price=1000000000
> INFO [08-06|21:42:38.198] Commit new mining work number=1 sealhash=4bb421…3f463a uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=325.066µs
INFO [08-06|21:42:40.752] Successfully sealed new block number=1 sealhash=4bb421…3f463a hash=4b2b78…4808f6 elapsed=2.554s
INFO [08-06|21:42:40.752] 🔨 mined potential block number=1 hash=4b2b78…4808f6
INFO [08-06|21:42:56.174] 🔨 mined potential block number=9 hash=2faebb…8be693
INFO [08-06|21:42:56.174] Commit new mining work number=10 sealhash=384aa6…cb0596 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=179.463µs
> miner.stop()
We finished mining. Now let's check it worked well.
> eth.blockNumber
In my case, I mined 9 blocks until I stop it.
> eth.getBalance("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
Wow! we got a reward. Exactly wei
, not ether
. wei is small unit of ether like satoshi of bitcoin
1 ether = 10^18 wei
We can convert it to ether by command
> web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039"), "ether")
Yeah! we got 45 ether. But why 45 ether? To know it, we have to see the source code of geth(go-ethereum)
func accumulateRewards(config *params.ChainConfig, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, uncles []*types.Header) {
// Select the correct block reward based on chain progression
blockReward := FrontierBlockReward
if config.IsByzantium(header.Number) {
blockReward = ByzantiumBlockReward
if config.IsConstantinople(header.Number) {
blockReward = ConstantinopleBlockReward
// Accumulate the rewards for the miner and any included uncles
reward := new(big.Int).Set(blockReward)
r := new(big.Int)
for _, uncle := range uncles {
r.Add(uncle.Number, big8)
r.Sub(r, header.Number)
r.Mul(r, blockReward)
r.Div(r, big8)
state.AddBalance(uncle.Coinbase, r)
r.Div(blockReward, big32)
reward.Add(reward, r)
state.AddBalance(header.Coinbase, reward)
In this function, blockReward
is initialized as FrontierBlockReward
Let's see what is FrontierBlockReward
var (
FrontierBlockReward = big.NewInt(5e+18) // Block reward in wei for successfully mining a block
ByzantiumBlockReward = big.NewInt(3e+18) // Block reward in wei for successfully mining a block upward from Byzantium
ConstantinopleBlockReward = big.NewInt(2e+18) // Block reward in wei for successfully mining a block upward from Constantinople
maxUncles = 2 // Maximum number of uncles allowed in a single block
allowedFutureBlockTime = 15 * time.Second // Max time from current time allowed for blocks, before they're considered future blocks
is set as 5 * 10^18 and it is 5 ether. Alice generated 9 blocks and got 5 ether per generation. Therefore Alice got 45 ether.
In this section, we want to generate transaction and send ether
- We will make a new account(Bob) and will send ether from miner(Alice) to new account(Bob)
Generate new account
> personal.newAccout("Bob")
INFO [08-06|22:00:23.416] Your new key was generated address=0xf39Cf42Cd233261cd2b45ADf8fb1E5A1e61A6f90
WARN [08-06|22:00:23.416] Please backup your key file! path=/home/hskim/Documents/geth-test/keystore/UTC--2019-08-06T13-00-21.621172635Z--f39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90
WARN [08-06|22:00:23.416] Please remember your password!
> eth.getBalance("0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90")
I got account of Bob:0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90
Alice will send ether to Bob's account
> eth.sendTransaction({from: "0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039", to: "0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90", value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})
Let's send 5 ether to Bob's account
- Alice's account :
- Bob's account :
Or we can initialize these using variable
> from = "0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039"
> to = "0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039"
> eth.sendTransaction({from: from, to: to, value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})
We have to unlock Alice's account. Let's see status of Alice's account.
> personal.listWallets[0].status
Yes It is locked. So we have to unlock it to send ether from Alice to Bob
> web3.personal.unlockAccount("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
Unlock account 0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039
Alice's address is 0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039
. However we have to type a Passphrase
of Alice. passphrase
is Alice
cause we generate this address using Alice
Remember it!
> personal.newAccount("Alice")
Passphrase: Alice
Now Alice's account is unlocked. Let's go back to transaction. We can see pending transactions
> eth.pendingTransactions
Until now, there is not any transaction. We just unlocked Alice's account. Let's make a transaction again.
> eth.sendTransaction({from: "0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039", to: "0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90", value: web3.toWei(5, "ether")})
INFO [08-06|22:16:09.274] Setting new local account address=0xb8C941069cC2B71B1a00dB15E6E00A200d387039
INFO [08-06|22:16:09.275] Submitted transaction fullhash=0x926f1bb71d5b48a306e6cde2d45c01f8af2107febf94b166a7e5f8e025dc8adc recipient=0xf39Cf42Cd233261cd2b45ADf8fb1E5A1e61A6f90
There is no error. Let's see a pending transactions
> eth.pendingTransactions
blockHash: null,
blockNumber: null,
from: "0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039",
gas: 21000,
gasPrice: 1000000000,
hash: "0x926f1bb71d5b48a306e6cde2d45c01f8af2107febf94b166a7e5f8e025dc8adc",
input: "0x",
nonce: 0,
r: "0x70484271bdc85f7233e715423d8d0be5c669a323385b5ec0ff080a52cf3c654c",
s: "0x1b55a792995f61128c10a48ce1e0869893c863d38489f574d84ae3a96b031cef",
to: "0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90",
transactionIndex: null,
v: "0x42",
value: 5000000000000000000
There is transaction.
> eth.getBalance("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
> eth.getBalance("0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90")
We didn't mine any block. so There is no change of balance yet. Let's mine again!
> miner.start(1)
INFO [08-06|22:19:53.061] Updated mining threads threads=1
INFO [08-06|22:19:53.061] Transaction pool price threshold updated price=1000000000
> INFO [08-06|22:19:53.062] Commit new mining work number=10 sealhash=f69cfb…273c0d uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=265.557µs
INFO [08-06|22:19:53.062] Commit new mining work number=10 sealhash=a018f5…65f494 uncles=0 txs=1 gas=21000 fees=2.1e-05 elapsed=1.022ms
INFO [08-06|22:19:54.718] Successfully sealed new block number=10 sealhash=a018f5…
INFO [08-06|22:20:05.086] 🔨 mined potential block number=16 hash=e7688a…09ed64
INFO [08-06|22:20:05.086] Commit new mining work number=17 sealhash=6b297d…b76b19 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=252.945µs
> miner.stop()
> eth.blockNumber
Last time Alice mined 9 blocks and this time mined 7 blocks more. So We can expect Alice has 75 ether (80 ether block reward - 5 ether sent to Bob = 75 ether). Let's check.
> eth.pendingTransactions
There is no pending transaction. Alice and Bob's transaction is done!
Let's see balance of them
> eth.getBalance("0xb8c941069cc2b71b1a00db15e6e00a200d387039")
> eth.getBalance("0xf39cf42cd233261cd2b45adf8fb1e5a1e61a6f90")
As we expected, Alice has 75 ether, Bob has 5 ether. We did it!
When you want to record the log of block generation time of Eth-ECC, then follow step below
I added few lines of source code in miner/worker.go
(For this you have to uncomment in in miner/worker.go)
csvFile, _ := os.OpenFile("elapseTime.csv", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) wr := csv.NewWriter(csvFile) wr.Write([]string{block.Number().String(), time.Since(task.createdAt).String()}) wr.Flush()This source will make
file in /build/bin directory(Same directory withgeth
). In this file, block generation time will be written by source code. You can see a example below
- 1, 2, ... ,41 is block height
- 2m53.376, 3m24.504... , 5m44.6046 is elapsed time(block generation time)
If there are errors or you want to add more details, please make a issue in my github or official Eth-ECC gitbub
Github :