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Terraform Module: AWS Cognito Userpool Clients

This module creates and manages AWS Cognito User Pool Clients, allowing fine-grained control over client configurations, UI customization, and secrets management.


module "cognito_userpool_clients" {
  source  = "cruxstack/cognito-userpool-clients/aws"
  version = "x.x.x"

  userpool_id = "<cognito-userpool-id>"

  client_defaults = {
    callback_urls = [""]

  clients = {
    internal_web_app = {}
    public_web_app   = {}
    mobile_app       = {}
    foobar_service   = {}


This module uses the cloudposse/label/null module for naming and tagging resources. As such, it also includes a file with additional optional variables you can set. Refer to the cloudposse/label documentation for more details on these variables.

Name Description Type Default Required
userpool_id Cognito user pool ID. string null No
client_defaults Default configurations for each client. object({...}) {} No
clients Map of client-specific configurations. The key is the client name. map(object({...})) {} No
secrets_enabled Toggle to create SecretsManager secrets for each client. bool true No
aws_kv_namespace The namespace or prefix for AWS SSM parameters and similar resources. string "" No


Name Description
clients Map of Cognito user pool clients created by the module.
client_secret_names Map of the names of Secrets Manager secrets for the Cognito user pool clients, keyed by client name.


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