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adding cloudways guide
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jdv committed Sep 16, 2024
1 parent 77369a5 commit 11ddf92
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283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions crowdsec-docs/unversioned/getting_started/installation/cloudways.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
id: cloudways
title: Cloudways (CrowdSec + WP Remediation)
pagination_prev: getting_started/pre_requisites
pagination_next: getting_started/next_steps

@import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';

# Preamble
Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that simplifies the process of hosting websites and applications on various cloud providers.
It provides you with a SSH access but with limited rights.
**However** there is a way to run CrowdSec on Cloudways and get both behavior detection on your services (nginx + apache) and applying remediation with our [WP plugin](/u/bouncers/wordpress.mdx) also unlocking the blocklist feature.
This guide is a bit longer than the other ones as it describes all specific steps needed for Cloudways integration.

We'll guide you through the following steps:
1. [Install CrowdSec from the static build](#install-crowdsec-from-the-static-build)
2. [Setup acquisitions and detection collections](#setup-acquisitions-and-detection-collections)
3. [Run a behavior detection on your past logs to see what it would have found](#run-a-behavior-detection-on-your-past-logs-to-see-what-it-would-have-found)
4. [Make CrowdSec run as a service at user level](#make-crowdsec-service-run-at-user-level)
5. [Bind it to the WP plugin to block the detected attackers](#bind-it-to-the-wp-plugin-to-block-the-detected-attackers)

## Install CrowdSec from the static build
In this section, we'll get the latest static build of CrowdSec, build the folder hierarchy with the slightly tweaked test_env script and create the necessary config for the Local API and Central API.

### Setup CrowdSec static build
> For this setup we'll put CrowdSec in the */home/master/crowdsec* folder.
#### Get the static build
- Go to
- Choose the version you want (at the time of writing 1.6.3 was the latest release)
- Scroll down past the changelog, in the **Assets** section copy the link to the **crowdsec-release.tgz** file
- download it in your */home/master* folder, example:
- Extract the archive:
tar -xvzf crowdsec-release.tgz
- Rename the extracted folder to *crowdsec*:
mv crowdsec-v1.6.3 crowdsec
#### Create the folder hierarchy
- cd into the *crowdsec* folder:
cd crowdsec
- Tweak the test_env script to create the necessary folders and config:
sed -i 's|BASE="./tests"|BASE="./"|'
- Run the script:
- Check one config file symlink to make sure the tweak worked:
ls -la config/parsers/s00-raw/syslog-logs.yaml
Should output *config/parsers/s00-raw/syslog-logs.yaml -> /home/master/crowdsec/config/hub/parsers/s00-raw/crowdsecurity/syslog-logs.yaml*

#### Create the config
We'll take the template config, update a few ports to avoid conflicts and setup the Local API and Central API.
- We'll use the dev.yml template to create our config.yaml:
rn dev.yml > config.yaml
- Now lets update the port number for the Local API.
- Open the config.yaml file in you editor of choice and change the following values:
- common section:
- change **log_media: file**
- add **log_dir: ./logs/**
- api/server section:
- listen on a free port, example 19443
- listen_uri:

#### Init/Reset CAPI and LAPI credentials
- Quickly register on CAPI. This will create the necessary credentials in the *config/online_api_credentials.yaml* file
./cscli -c config.yaml capi register
- It should tell you to restart CrowdSec, ignore it for now, we'll do it later.
- LAPI setup relies on "machines"
- Remove the existing machine and create a new one in auto:
./cscli -c config.yaml machines list //ignore the warning it's normal for now
- You should see something like this
Name IP Address Last Update Status Version OS Auth Type Last Heartbeat
test 2024-09-12T10:04:52Z ✔️ ? password ⚠️ -
- Delete the test machine
./cscli -c config.yaml machines delete test_env
- Create a new default one with --force to override the existing credentials file
./cscli machines add my_logprocessor --auto --force
- C that the credential file has the proper port : *cat ./config/local_api_credentials.yaml*
login: my_logprocessor
password: 321QSd54QERG321sq54AZEqs45AZDQSd654z65fps
## Setup acquisitions and detection collections
Acquisition configuration indicates to CrowdSec what log files it should look at.
The Detection collections include parsers config and bad behavior detection scenarios for given services.
In our case we'll look at the nginx logs and apache2 logs.
- Identify the name of your application folder: ls /home/master/applications
- There should be a folder in there, lets say "abcdefghij"
- We'll replace the content of the config/acquis.yaml file (with you editor of choice) with the following:
- /home/master/applications/abcdefghij/logs/nginx_*.log
type: nginx
- /home/master/applications/abcdefghij/logs/apache_*.log
type: apache2
- Don't forget to put the appropriate path to your logs and not "abcdefghij"

### Getting collections
Now we'll install the collections for nginx and apache2.
You can find our catalog on our [Hub](
- Run the following command to install the collections:
./cscli -c config.yaml collections install crowdsecurity/nginx crowdsecurity/apache2
### Making the collections auto update
CrowdSec collection often get updated with the behavior detections.
CrowdSec teams create and currate community scenarios allowing its users to benefit from the latest vulnerabilities detection.
We'll allow hub auto-update with a cron:
- Create a file in the crowdsec folder:
test -x /home/master/crowdsec/cscli || exit 0
# splay hub upgrade and crowdsec reload
sleep "$(seq 1 300 | shuf -n 1)"
/home/master/crowdsec/cscli -c /home/master/crowdsec/config.yaml --error hub update
upgraded=$(/home/master/crowdsec/cscli -c /home/master/crowdsec/config.yaml --error hub upgrade)
if [ -n "$upgraded" ]; then
systemctl --user reload crowdsec
exit 0
- Add it to crontab, every day at 6 for example
0 6 * * * /home/master/crowdsec/
## Run a behavior detection on your past logs to see what it would have found
We can run the behavior detection on the past logs to catch alerts that happened in the past.
We'll run it on the nginx access logs and the first archive of nginx access logs (previous day)
- Run the behavior detection on the past logs:
./crowdsec -c config.yaml -dsn file:///home/master/applications/abcdefghij/logs/nginx_*.access.log --type nginx --no-api
- Again, dont forget to put your own application folder and not "abcdefghij"
- Note that **dsn** parameter take the **file://***/ protocol and an **absolute path**
- After you ran the detection, detected alerts should be listed in:
./cscli -c config.yaml alerts list

## Make CrowdSec service run at user level
We want CrowdSec to run in the background and start at boot.
For this we'll add a systemd service in the user level.

### Create the systemd service for user
- At the time of writting (for v1.6.3) you can use the following content:
- Create and edit ~/.config/systemd/user/crowdsec.service
Description=Crowdsec agent

Environment=LC_ALL=C LANG=C
ExecStartPre=/home/master/crowdsec/crowdsec -c /home/master/crowdsec/config.yaml -t -error
ExecStart=/home/master/crowdsec/crowdsec -c /home/master/crowdsec/config.yaml
#ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 0.1
ExecReload=/home/master/crowdsec/crowdsec -c /home/master/crowdsec/config.yaml -t -error
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

- Note that if you want to do it yourself the process is:
- Get the service description file from
- Move it to the user systemd user folder
- Modify this file to have the proper path to crowdsec executable and config

### Enable the service to run at boot
For a user level process to keep running after you close the connection we need to activate the "linger"
- Run the following command:
loginctl enable-linger
- Then have systemctl reload and run crowdsec
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now crowdsec
- Check the status of the service
systemctl --user status crowdsec
- In the future you can **systemctl --user start crowdsec** or stop or restart

### Checking that CrowdSec works
We ran a behavior detection on the past logs so we might already have acquisition and parsing metrics.
But to check that its working, you can visit your website
- It should generate lines of logs
- As soon as new log lines arrive in any of those:
- You should see the acquisition metrics appear/update
- And the resulting parser acquisition and metrics
./cscli metrics -c config.yaml
- looking something like
Acquisition Metrics:
│ Source │ Lines read │ Lines parsed │ Lines unparsed │ Lines poured to bucket │ Lines whitelisted │
│ file:/home/master/applications/abcdefghij/logs/ │ 1 │ 1 │ - │ - │ - │


Parser Metrics:
│ Parsers │ Hits │ Parsed │ Unparsed │
│ child-crowdsecurity/apache2-logs │ 1 │ 1 │ - │
│ child-crowdsecurity/http-logs │ 3 │ 3 │ - │
│ crowdsecurity/apache2-logs │ 1 │ 1 │ - │
│ crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich │ 1 │ 1 │ - │
│ crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich │ 1 │ 1 │ - │
│ crowdsecurity/http-logs │ 1 │ 1 │ - │
│ crowdsecurity/non-syslog │ 1 │ 1 │ - │


## Bind it to the WP plugin to block the detected attackers
Now that we have CrowdSec running and detecting bad behaviors.
Alerts are raised and decisions to block bad actors are stored in the local DB.
To actually apply a remediation and ban the attackers from your website you need:
- To create a bouncer API key:
./cscli -c config.yaml bouncers add my_wp_bouncer
- You should see something like this:
API key for 'my_wp_bouncer':


Please keep this key since you will not be able to retrieve it!
- Add those credentials to your WP bouncer plugin as described in the [WP plugin documentation](/u/bouncers/wordpress.mdx#configurations)

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