FPx Factions is a joint effort between both Croguy and Versten in an attempt to author a set of maintained factions with uniforms from FP_Uniforms, as well as other sources, for FPARMA. Proposals include:
- BeNeLux JTF (BNL), Woodland and Arid
- Balkan Joint Bloc (BJB), Woodland
- Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Woodland and Arid - in progress
- Balkan Task Force (BTF), Woodland
- Nordic Coalition Forces (NCF), Woodland and Arid
- Baltic Coalition Troops (BCT), Woodland
- French Armed Forces (FAF), Woodland and Arid
- Cold War Bundeswehr (CWB), Retro Faction
- Hellenic Armed Forces (HAF), Arid
- Hungarian Ground Army (HGA), Woodland
- Italian Armed Forces (IAF), Arid
- Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSF), Woodland
- Royal Norwegian Forces (RNF), Woodland
- Task Force Iberia (TFI), Arid
- Army of Republic of Vietnam (ARV), Jungle
- Special Operations Europe (SOE), all
- Swedish International Brigade (SIB), Woodland and Arid
- Turkish Security Forces (TSF), arid
- Afghan National Army (ANA), Arid
- Amazon Security Troops (AST), Jungle
- Black Element Corporation (BEC), Mercenary - COMPLETED
- Carribean Militia Troops (CMT), Jungle
- Indian Military Guard (IMG), Arid
- Pakistani Army (PKA), Arid
- Mexican Military Forces (MMF), Arid
- Militares Sans Frontieres (MSF), Mercenary
- Turkish Coup Forces (TCF), Arid
- West African Coalition (WAC), Arid
- Argentina Junta Troops (AJT), woodland
- Anti-Zion Forces (AZF), arid
- Carribean Communist Rebels (CCR), jungle - COMPLETED
- Warsaw Pact Militaries (WPM), woodland
- North Korean Military (NKM), woodland
- People's Liberation Army (PLA), various
- Soviet-Afghan Bloc (SAB), arid - expansion to Red Army?
- Syrian Arab Army (SAA), arid
- North Vietnam Army (NVA), jungle
- Urban Rebel Militia (URM), woodland
- Yugoslav People's Army (YPA), woodland
As well as others (TBD)