released this
24 May 21:20
317 commits
to master
since this release
Release 0.0.7
- Dark mode version
- Enhanced design for landscape mode
- Improved design for tablet devices
- Login page with local device security authentication
- New modal for changing security settings with button to navigate to Device Security Configuration
- Button in expense item registration with payment option
- Filtering options in register list for paid or unpaid status, start date, and end date
- Sorting register list from newest to oldest date
- Refactoring of component, modal, and page folders
- Refactoring of Modal component with a generic and customizable version for use within the modals folder
- Disabling negative values in new registrations
- Registration Modal with selected type of registration in the Tab Context: expense, entry, or investment
- New hooks useAuthentication, useBalance, useFilteredData, useIsTablet and useOrientation
Deps Update
- expo 51.0.8
- expo-secure-store 13.0.1
- jest-expo 51.0.12
Deps New
- expo-blur 13.0.2
- expo-local-authentication" 14.0.1
- expo-screen-orientation 7.0.5
- babel-plugin-module-resolver 5.0.2