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This idea has been discussed in issues of AngularJS official. We're looking forward to this progress.

See angular/angular.js#10007

Cresc Toccata

Cresc Toccata is the utility for AngularJS >= 1.3.14 / Angular 2.


Migrating to Angular 2 is our concern. We make it possible to perform the migration in stages, we propose The Cresc Toccata [krəs təkάːṭə], call me "Toccata". This is currently aware of TypeScript because of it uses the @Decorators syntax a lot. Also we're going to focus even for use in Babel.


In TypeScript or Babel (ES7 stage 1) syntax.

import {toccata as toccata_} from 'toccata';
import * as angular from 'angular'; // AngularJS 1.x
// or 
// import * as angular2 from 'angular2/angular2'; // Angular 2

const toccata = toccata_(angular);
// or 
// const toccata = toccata_(angular2);

const {Component, View, bootstrap} = toccata;

// The syntax such as Angular 2 in AngularJS 1.x
  selector: 'hello'
  template: `<p>Hello!</p>`
class HelloController {
  constructor() {
    // noop


NOTICE: Angular 2 is not supported building with Babel currently, we use ugly hacking for tests. Not recommended still you use in Angular 2.

More samples

you can see sample sources here.


  • Support default export of toccata (TypeScript 1.5-alpha has a problem)
  • Automatically e2e test (Now it has confirmed manually)
  • More migration support and further compatibility
  • Support without browserify, in other words support <script src="">
  • Flux in Angular


The migration from smooth AngularJS 1.x to Angular 2.

