Features / Enhancement
Golang Backend : Refactored code from Python backend to Golang, much more stability and performance.
Node Network Graph : Visualization of node typology.
Node System Info : Available to see system info including OS, CPUs and executables.
Node Monitoring Enhancement : Nodes are monitored and registered through Redis.
File Management : Available to edit spider files online, including code highlight.
Login/Regiser/User Management : Require users to login to use Crawlab, allow user registration and user management, some role-based authorization.
Automatic Spider Deployment : Spiders are deployed/synchronized to all online nodes automatically.
Smaller Docker Image : Slimmed Docker image and reduced Docker image size from 1.3G to ~700M by applying Multi-Stage Build.
Bug Fixes
Node Status . Node status does not change even though it goes offline actually. #87
Spider Deployment Error . Fixed through Automatic Spider Deployment #83
Node not showing . Node not able to show online #81
Cron Job not working . Fixed through new Golang backend #64
Flower Error . Fixed through new Golang backend #57
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