Steps to run index.html
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App Functionality
This application will be using foursquare API.
The application consists of a search bar at the top, a listview with my favorite places to visit in Toronto, a map on the right with markers in the locations, whenever you push/clicked, it will display a set of images from that location and more information about it from foursquare.
Search Bar: Filters both locations in the listview and in the map
Listview: Show locations that have been filter, additionally clicking/pushing the location button will activate it's associated marker and display a set of pictures from foursquare
Map: Will display a marker of the specific location selected and will display information about it. Marker will be animated too.
Error handling. if the internet is down or the libraries are not loaded properly. an error message will be displayed. note: Chrome offline testing will not show the customs errors. I have to purposely add the incorrect foursquare API to show errors.
Responsive. The site is also responsive. tested with multiple Samsungs, Microsoft and Apple phones and tables.