The "GardenMaps" project is a web application that aims to link families and agriculture enthusiasts, through activities that promote services such as rent or sale of natural products.
1.- Users will be able to locate the orchards closest to their home, enjoy open-air events, and keep up to date with their activities and services.
2.- Users will be able to create the events, services or activities that they promote in their gardens or green areas.
3.- Users can register, log in or log out.
4.- Users can delete completed services or activities.
- Functional requirements 🍉
- On the landing page there is a slider with featured images.
- On the landing page the header has the login option.
- At the end of the session, the user can log out.
- On the landing page, the user is able to register for the first time to access their user profile.
- Users can store events or activities related to their garden.
- The user can delete those events or activities if they are no longer available.
- Users can see on their profile page the events or activities they have registered.
These instructions will allow you to get a working copy of the project on your local computer, for development and testing purposes:
Open terminal and run:
- Clone git to download the project, do a fork.
- Create a database in phpMyAdmin/DBeaver locally: Database name: services
- Configuration in:
- Follow setup instructions (Mac, Windows).
- Run GardenmapApplication in Spring Boot.
In the project directory, you can run:
Clone git to download the project, do a fork.
Runs the app in the development mode.\
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
- npm install
- axios
- react-hook-form
- react-router-dom
- sweetalert
- uuid
- testing-library/react
Where to find the project in production:
Wireframe of the main idea of the project with functionality:
Frontend: HTML, Css (Atomic Design, BEM), Axios, Swal (alerts), uuid (slider), React Hook Form (validation form), react-router-dom, Axios.
Backend: Spring Boot, Gradle, Postman, Unit testing.
Database: MySQL.
- Miró
- Figma
- Mockup Ninja
- Trello
- Font-face
- Metodologías Ágiles
- MyAdmin
- Sol Turipe.
- Cecilia Carbajal.
- Claudia Calero Duró.
- Davina Medina.
- Andrea Mayu Ruiz.
- Soledad Maradini.
- Tell others about this project 📢 .
- Support our projects 🐈⬛.
- Made with ❤️ by CRADA 🐱