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Build with QtCreator

Marino von Wattenwyl edited this page May 12, 2023 · 5 revisions
  • All C++ projects can also be built with the platform-independent IDE QtCreator from Qt. For Windows without Visual Studio download the MinGW version with the GNU toolchain. For Windows, we recommend to build and work with Visual Studio.
  • Clone the SLProject GIT repository into a directory of your choice.
  • Install the latest CMake. You need at least CMake Version 3.3.
  • Open the QtCreator IDE.
  • Choose Open File or Project... and select the top-level CMakeLists.txt file in the SLProject root folder.
  • Set build configurations: Uncheck all except the Debug and the Release configuration. Change the build directories into the SLProject folder. Press Configure Project: QtCreatorConfigurations
  • Parallel build: Open the Project Settings on the left toolbar. Expand the Build Steps. In the field Tool Arguments enter -j8. This guides the make process to build the project in parallel with 8 threads. Choose the app-Demo-SLProject as Target to build. QtCreatorParallelBuild
  • Start Application: Click on the green run button to start the selected application. You can select there the application and configuration to start as well: QtCreatorStartApplication
    • After closing the welcome dialogue you can open with the menu File > Load Demo Scenes many different scenes that demonstrate the features of SLProject.