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Build on Windows with VisualStudio

Marcus Hudritsch edited this page Jul 1, 2024 · 3 revisions
  • You must have installed a Visual Studio IDE with the "Desktop development with C++" option. The community version works fine.
  • Clone the SLProject GIT repository into a directory of your choice where the path is NOT longer than 256 characters.
  • Generate build folder with cmake-gui app:
    • Download and install the latest cmake.
    • Start the cmake-gui application.
    • Choose the SLProject folder in the field "Where is the source code".
    • Copy the same path and add /build_win64_vs in the field "Where to build the binaries".
    • Click the button "Configure" and choose your Visual Studio version.
    • Click the button "Generate" to generate the project files into the build_win64_vs folder
    • Click the button "Open Project" to open the project.
  • or generate build folder with cmake in the console:
    • Create a folder and name it e.g. build-Win64-VS2019 in the SLProject root folder.
    • Open a command prompt and go into the new build directory with cd.
    • Type cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64" .. to build the project files for Visual Studio 2019. With cmake -G you get all possible build systems that you could generate the project files for.
    • For Visual Studio 16 2019 the generation changed to cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 ..
    • For Visual Studio 17 2022 the generation changed to cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 ..
    • Double-click the generated SLProject.sln solution file to open Visual Studio.
  • Build all projects by right-clicking > Build on the ALL_BUILD project. It should build all projects without error.
  • To run the demo application you must first set the app-demo as the startup project with right-click > Set as Startup Project.
    • To run the application you choose Debug > Start without Debugging.
    • After closing the welcome dialogue you can open with the menu File > Load Demo Scenes many different scenes that demonstrate the features of SLProject.