C++ Automatic Mocks Injector
C++ Automatic Mocks Injector is C++14 header only library providing following functionality:
- Automatically create required mocks
- Automatically inject mocks to tested classes via constructor
- Automatically register for required destructor's in case of smart pointers (supports testing of unique_ptr)
- Uses HippoMocks as Mocking library
- Uses DI as Dependency Injection library
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
struct ilogger { virtual ~ilogger() { }; virtual void log(const std::string&) = 0; };
struct ilogic { virtual ~ilogic() { }; virtual void do_it() = 0; };
class example {
example(const std::shared_ptr<ilogger>& logger
, std::unique_ptr<ilogic> logic
, const std::string& text)
: logger_(logger)
, logic_(std::move(logic))
, text_(text)
{ }
int run() {
return 0;
std::shared_ptr<ilogger> logger_;
std::unique_ptr<ilogic> logic_;
std::string text_;
#include <mocks_injector.hpp>
int main() {
namespace di = boost::di;
//1. create mocks injector and example class
auto _ = di::make_injector<di::mocks_provider>();
//2. set up expectations
EXPECT_CALL(_, ilogic::do_it);
EXPECT_CALL(_, ilogger::log).With("hello world");
//3. run tests
example sut{_, _, "hello world"};
assert(0 == sut.run());
struct logic : ilogic { void do_it() override { } };
class app {
app(std::shared_ptr<example> e)
: example_(e)
{ }
int run() {
return example_->run();
std::shared_ptr<example> example_;
#include <mocks_injector.hpp>
int main() {
namespace di = boost::di;
//1. create mocks injector with dependencies
auto mi = di::make_injector<di::mocks_provider>(
di::bind<std::string>.to("hello world")
, di::bind<ilogic, logic> // inject real logic
//2. set up expectations
EXPECT_CALL(mi, ilogger::log).With("hello world");
//3. create example class and run it
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.