Release notes V 3.5
Web permissions added. Now you can create admin and grant access to web only to manage admins, bans, mutes and groups.
If you have already intsalled, then just run the below table schema.
INSERT INTO `permissions` (`id`, `permission`, `description`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(NULL, '@web/admin.create', 'Web-only: Permission to create an admin.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/admin.edit', 'Web-only: Permission to edit an admin.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/admin.delete', 'Web-only: Permission to delete an admin.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/ban.add', 'Web-only: Permission to create a ban.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/ban.edit', 'Web-only: Permission to edit a ban.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/ban.unban', 'Web-only: Permission to unban a user.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.create', 'Web-only: Permission to create a group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.edit', 'Web-only: Permission to edit a group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.delete', 'Web-only: Permission to delete a group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/mute.add', 'Web-only: Permission to create a mute.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/mute.edit', 'Web-only: Permission to edit a mute.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/mute.unmute', 'Web-only: Permission to unmute a user.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.create', 'Web-only: Permission to create group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.edit', 'Web-only: Permission to edit group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44'),
(NULL, '@web/group.delete', 'Web-only: Permission to delete group.', '2024-04-14 15:27:44', '2024-04-14 15:27:44');
Installation docs : https://docs.cssbans.online/
Upgrage guide https://docs.cssbans.online/how-to-update-panel-to-the-latest-version
Full Changelog: 3.4...3.5