A python script to invert the cells of an Excel spreadsheet.
NOTE: requires the openpyxl module.
python cellInverter.py [file]
Or :
python cellInverter.py [file] [outputfile]
Where [file] is the path (or name) of the file to invert and [outputfile] is the path (or name) of the output file to be created (or overwritten). If no [outputfile] is given the output file wil be saved as 'Inverted[file]' in the current working directory.
For example:
python cellInverter.py example.xlsx
This will create a file named Invertedexample.xlsx with the data of example.xlsx but inverted (rows are now columns and vice versa).
If instead you use:
python cellInverter.py example.xlsx output.xlsx
The script will create a file named output.xlsx in the current working directory the data of example.xlsx but inverted (rows are now columns and vice versa).