This is a framework for the COS Archival Project, which aims to code psychological studies' statistics.
It's written using CakePHP and makes use of jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Webshims Lib and Select2.
The code is missing the Config directory, which can be taken from a CakePHP 2.x distribution.
The code can probably be adapted to other meta-analyses, but it requires some knowledge of PHP and JavaScript, jQuery to do so. I'm happy to be contacted and assist if you want to use this for noncommercial purposes.
This repository is based on the OSC-ArchivalProject by Ruben Arslan.
- add papers
- DOI retrieval based on free form references (using API)
- metadata retrieval based on DOI
- gets metadata via DOI from API
- gets abstracts and nr. of citations from pubmed API
- allow users to code studies using a hierarchical, dynamic coding form
- coding form does some primitive validation, assists in input
- sub-studies and sub-effect tests can be added
- autosaves
- users can view and compare different codings of the same paper
- exports wide format data in CSV, TSV, HTML and Excel
- todo: drag and drop study order
The site may be run on PHP 5.3.27. Later version of PHP (specifically 5.5.3) are not compatible due to an issue in CakePHP.
CakePHP requires that the pdo_mysql
driver be installed if MySQL is the
database used.
To generate an empty database configured for use with the site, execute
, then schema_alter.sql
against the DB. MySQL is
verified to work with this codebase.
Finally, the "groups" table should be populated with data. The group name/ID pairs should be added:
- 1 | admin
- 2 | manager
- 3 | user