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Note: The website where this logger connected to was removed. You can host your own from the code located at:

The code will then need to be modified to point at the new host

Machines always record details of each transaction (completed or aborted) internally. Technicians can download this data when servicing the machine. For internet-enabled machines, the data will also be transmitted to a central server according to the chosen scheme: (a) after each transaction; (b) after a pre-specified number of successful transactions; or (c) on a fixed schedule. Internet-enabled machines will always report problems immediately.

Quick Example

// Grab your API token from your profile page
Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_3wL4MyhWW4z3kfjoYfyN0gtt");

// We want to add a new machine and add two products to it.
Machine newMachine = r.createMachine(new Machine("Super Fun Time", "vmrs_sff_p_c", "in_service", "CAD"));

// Now for the two products
Product productOne = r.createProduct(new Product(newMachine.getId(), "Dr. Skipper", 100, 10, 30));
Product productTwo = r.createProduct(new Product(newMachine.getId(), "Pepsi Awesome", 665, 6, 30));

// Ooops, Dr. Pepper is sending the lawyers. Time for a product Name change!
productOne.setName("Totally Not Dr. Pepper");

// Transaction Occurred, now we want to log it.

// Create a new Transaction 
// (for machine 1, product 1, with coins, and payment successful) 
// & Log It

// new Transaction(ProductId, PaymentMethod, PaymentStatus)

Error e = r.log(new Transaction(productOne.getId(), PaymentMethod.COIN, true));

// If no error is found, then e will be null. Else you can print out the error.


Machine Management

This allows remote management of a machine. All fields are required.

The Machine Object:

  private int id = -1;
  private String name = null;
  private String config_name = null;
  private String mode = null;
  private String currency = null;

Configuration name is not currently not an ENUM. This may change.

vmrs_sff_p_c: "VMRUS-SFF-P/C"
vmrs_sff_p_ci: "VMRUS-SFF-P/CI"
vmrs_sff_p_pi: "VMRUS-SFF-P/PI"
vmrs_sff_p_mi: "VMRUS-COM-P/MI"
vmrs_com_p_m: "VMRUS-COM-P/M"
vmrs_toc_p_mi: "VMRUS-TOC-P/MI"
vmrs_toc_p_i: "VMRUS-TOC-P/I"
vmrus_com_c_mi: "VMRUS-COM-C/MI"
vmrus_com_c_m: "VMRUS-COM-C/M"
vmrus_toc_c_mi: "VMRUS-TOC-C/MI"
vmrus_toc_c_plus: "VMRUS-TOC-C+"
vmrus_toc_c_plus_i: "VMRUS-TOC-C+/I"

An example config_name would be: "vmrs_sff_p_c"

Configuration mode is currently not an ENUM. This may change.

in_service: "In Service"
needs_service: "Needs Service"
out_of_order: "Out of Order"

An example of a mode would be: "in_service"

Creating a New Machine:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");
Machine m = r.createMachine(new Machine(String name, String configName, String mode, String currency));

This will return the Machine object m.

Getter's and setters are available. To get the id of this machine you would call:


If the Machine is null, then you weren't able to create the machine successfully.

Updating a Machine:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// machine is already set, but you want to change its name:
machine.setName("Awesome Candy 3000 Super Fun Time");

Machine mUpdated = r.updateMachine(machine);

// This will return the same machine (well it would have the same ID, but it's name is now changed) 

If the Machine is null, then you weren't able to update the machine successfully.

Getting a Machine By ID:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// machine is already set, but you want to change its name:
Machine getMachine = r.getMachine(1);

// This will return the machine that has an ID of 1

If the Machine is null, then a machine with that ID does not exist.

Deleting a Machine By ID:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// machine is already set, but you want to change its name:
Error error = r.deleteMachine(1);

// This will delete the machine that has an ID of 1

If the error is not null, then you weren't able to delete the machine.

Product Management

This allows remote management of a product. All fields are required.

The Product Object:

  private int id = -1;
  private int machine_id = -1;
  private String name = null;
  private int price = -1;
  private int current_stock_level = -1;
  private int max_stock_level = -1;

Prices are all in cents.

Creating a New Product:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");
Product p = r.createProduct(new Product(int machine_id, String name, int price, int current_stock_level, int max_stock_level));

This will return the Product object p.

Getter's and setters are available. To get the id of this machine you would call:


If the Product is null, then you weren't able to create the product successfully.

Updating a Product:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// product is already set, but you want to change its name:
product.setName("Dr. Skipper");

product pUpdated = r.updateProduct(product);

// This will return the same product (well it would have the same ID, but it's name is now changed) 

If the Product is null, then you weren't able to update the product successfully.

Getting a Product By ID:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// product is already set, but you want to change its name:
Product getProduct = r.getProduct(1);

// This will return the product that has an ID of 1

If the Product is null, then a product with that ID does not exist.

Deleting a Product By ID:

Rifffish r = new Rifffish("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt");

// product is already set, but you want to change its name:
Error error = r.deleteProduct(1);

// This will delete the product that has an ID of 1

If the error is not null, then you weren't able to delete the product.


Logging current supports multi-threading support. It's probably best to implement the Logger using the singleton pattern to avoid concurrency problems.

We support three different types of Logging - Transactions, Stockouts, and Problems

To Create an offline logger:

Logger logger = new Logger()

To Create a logger that sends messages immediately to the API:

// new Logger(RIFFFISH_API_KEY, 0 - zero indicates immediate logging, MachineID)
Logger logger = new Logger("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt", 0, 4)

To Create a logger that sends messages after a set number of transactions:

// new Logger(RIFFFISH_API_KEY, number of transactions, machineID)
Logger logger = new Logger("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt", number of transactions, machineId)

To Create a logger that sends messages at a set time:

// new Logger(RIFFFISH_API_KEY, LogDate - for sending transactions at a given date, MachineID)

Logger logger = new Logger("rsh_rDWPv1x18utNfeDOqmeQrgtt", new LogDate(), MachineID)

LogDate format:

LogDate(logger.LogDate.LoggingType type,
               int startDay,
               int startHour,
               int startMinute)

Date object to store info needed for Set time logging

Parameters: type - A LoggingType enum startDay - Day to send logs to the server. All future logs are based on this date. startHour - Hour to send the logs to the server startMinute - Minute to send the logs to the server

LoggingType enum: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

How to log a transaction:

// new Transaction (productID from Rifffish - server, quantity - usually 1, Payment Method Enum)
Logger.log(new Transaction (int productID, int quantity, PaymentMethod.COIN))

Payment Method Enum:


Logging Transaction Examples:

Logger.log(new Transaction(1, PaymentMethod.COIN, true));
Logger.log(new Transaction(2, PaymentMethod.CREDIT_CARD, false));

How to log a Stockout:

Logger.log(new Stockout(java.lang.Integer productId, Rifffish.StockoutTypes type))

Stockout Types Enum:


Logging Stockout Examples:

Logger.log(new Stockout(1, StockoutType.ALMOSTOUT ));
Logger.log(new Stockout(2, StockoutType.OUTOFSTOCK ));



Seperate repo containing just the Logger functionality for






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