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July-September 2014, Helena Zhang

Your friendly neighborhood all-powerful device control and data acquisition suite.



Jarvis is a WebSocket-based interface for running a modern laboratory from anywhere with an Internet connection. For our purposes, it controls lasers and other devices for trapping ions, but it can be easily generalized to interface with any . Its central server, written in Python, communicates with any number of devices as well as end-users. The Javascript interface displays updates from devices and enables powerful scripts and logic for conditional data acquisition and control.

A few examples of things we've done in Jarvis:

  • Automatically measure and log power of each laser
  • Constant monitoring whether lasers are at the right frequency, with a visual/audio alarm when they are not
  • Plot ion fluorescence as a function of parameters such as laser frequency and magnetic field
  • Automatically load an ion into our ion trap by controlling oven and laser powers/frequencies while monitoring fluorescence on the photon counter


Clone the repository, as well as the DeviceWorkers and MTServer repositories. Link www/prog/ to the prog/ directory under in DeviceWorkers. Point your web server to Jarvis/www. Start under websocketserver/.


websocketserver/ universal server that facilitates device-to-web communication. Only one instance of websocketserver needs to be run. It connects to all the instances of MTserver, of which there is one instance per device. Large threads are contained in separate files in the same directory. See the header of for more info.

websocketserver/devices_dict: dictionary file containing MTserver names, addresses, and port. Used for to connect to the MTservers.

methods_dict: contains all device names as well as their IOs

www/ contains Jarvis web client files:

  • index.html is the skeleton which loads all other files
  • each IO module has its own ioname.html file, which contains the HTML elements as well as the javascript which updates it
  • ws.js contains the websocket communication functions and talks to websocketserver

blog_screenshot is a shell script that takes the screenshot of the top monitor (has Jarvis on rabi) and blogs it.

Libraries used:


  • Trap electrodes
  • Pulse programmer
  • Photon counter
  • Laser controller
  • Newport controller
  • Wavemeter
  • Power meter
  • Shutters
  • Oven
  • B field
  • Camera (Andor)
  • Oscilloscope (Tektronix)
  • Function generator (Agilent)
  • Locking
  • Scripts
  • Logs


Make sure your new IDs and classes are unique names. Please follow the naming conventions: capitalized for IDs and lowercase for classes.


  • change auto readout of ddscon to comm variable so multiple clients don't cause unnecessary updates
  • plotting QuAD outputs
  • electrodes indicate when done shuttling
  • menu with icons
  • fix PMT flot
  • allow text highlighting
  • widget for server status
  • fix time plot: lots of extra data points being taken and plots get stuck
  • make plotting several series in scripts easier
  • graphing and locks: allow multiple
  • graphing and scripts: save settings as new presets
  • graphing: comments in file headers
  • graphing: plot two things on Y-axis: right now only works for IOs in same device
  • fix ugly extra space on top of some widgets
  • resize workspace when window resized
  • tooltip too far to right, stuck on
  • button to shrink menu
  • add cover on some settings so they won't get accidentally set
Quick and easy
  • MTserver turn on/off debugging on prompt
  • warn when overexposed with EM gain on
  • fix memory leak
  • save region of interest
  • counts and max for each individual ROI
  • isolated crop mode
  • kinetic mode
  • better rescaling
  • subtract background
Pulse programmer
  • change IOs to laser names
  • show runtime
  • show up in all clients
  • progress indicated by tab color
  • don't allow script to run when devices not on
  • script header to denote plot title
  • output to Jarvis
Photon counter
  • sometimes doesn't update for a while?
  • plots should show up in all clients
  • add scanning in loop option
  • plot two things on X-axis (ex. DAC and wavemeter frequency)
  • heatmap graph direction choices
  • heatmap makes things slow
  • random test data option
  • export doesn't work sometimes
  • exporting multiple colors becomes all blue
  • multiple plots
  • plot from file
  • add logging to database options to log widget
  • restore blog button functionality
  • use dictionaries to send long commands rather than strings
  • screenshots should be of the Jarvis window that called it, not always quanta-rabi
  • autoconnect to websocketserver option
  • autostart MTservers script
  • Make textboxes larger
  • Jarvis appears to be an unresponsive tab in Chrome sometimes (only if camera is on?)
  • MTserver sleep should take into account UPDATE run time (seems like it should already?)
  • check status of and stop/start MTservers from Jarvis
  • snapshot feature: save all current variables to file
  • replace timestamps with rabi time
  • spin digits
  • more documentation for websocketserver
  • update intervals should be correct on start-up


  • Websocket connecting to instead of the actual server IP leads to a weird frame containing cookie data upon connecting. Running the server on a static IP prevents this issue.



STATUS 1407784757.2 {1033: 'OPEN', 1092: 'OPEN', 405: 'CLOSE', 422: 'CLOSE', 461: 'CLOSE'}


STATUS 1407882699.2 {'BPerpCurrentOP': 0.0001600276, 'OvenVoltageOP': 0.000964118, 'BPerpCurrentLim': 1.5, 'OvenVoltageLim': 0.02, 'OvenCurrentOP': -0.0001239447, 'OvenState': False, 'BVertCurrentOP': -0.000688811, 'BVertCurrentLim': 0.08, 'BPerpState': False, 'BVertChannel': 3, 'BAxialCurrentLim': 1.9, 'BAxialState': True, 'BVertState': False, 'OvenCurrentLim': 0.08, 'BAxialVoltageLim': 2.0, 'BPerpChannel': 4, 'BAxialChannel': 2, 'BPerpVoltageLim': 2.0, 'BVertVoltageOP': 0.0005264693, 'BAxialVoltageOP': 1.297288, 'BVertVoltageLim': 0.04, 'BAxialCurrentOP': 1.899792, 'BPerpVoltageOP': -0.001186327, 'OvenChannel': 2}


STATUS 1412097853.07 {'DiodeCurrent': '155.13', 'OutputState': '1', 'UsageTime': '1008.8', 'PiezoVoltage': '54.67'}


The websocket server changes the delimiter to semicolons, adds device name, and changes the dictionary to JSON format (double instead of single quotes for strings) so that Jarvis can easily parse it:


STATUS;1412272142.82;Shutters;{"1033": "CLOSE", "1092": "CLOSE", "405": "CLOSE", "422": "CLOSE", "461": "CLOSE"}


STATUS;1412264637.53;PowerMeter;{"PowerMeterWavelength": 405.0, "PowerMeterPower": 0.000708031119, "PowerMeterMinPower": 5.5e-08, "PowerMeterMaxPower": 0.0055}


STATUS;1410121187.83;AgilentBO;{"BNormState": true, "OvenCurrentLim": 0.02, "OvenVoltageOP": 0.002347491, "BPerpCurrentLim": 0.1, "OvenVoltageLim": 0.04, "OvenCurrentOP": 0.0001368476, "OvenState": false, "BPerpState": false, "BNormVoltageOP": 1.312676, "BNormChannel": 2, "BAxialCurrentLim": 0.08, "BAxialState": false, "BNormVoltageLim": 2.0, "BPerpCurrentOP": -0.00064739, "BAxialVoltageLim": 0.03, "BPerpChannel": 3, "BNormCurrentOP": 1.899935, "BNormCurrentLim": 1.9, "BAxialChannel": 1, "BPerpVoltageLim": 0.4, "BAxialVoltageOP": 0.00123857, "BAxialCurrentOP": -8.380872e-05, "BPerpVoltageOP": 0.002287482, "OvenChannel": 4}


STATUS;1412264679.69;WaveMeter;{"WaveMeterChannel1": 739.3965959609156, "WaveMeterChannel2": 650.5062966743386, "WaveMeterChannel3": 274.58577049325464, "WaveMeterChannel4": 647.4860834640874, "WaveMeterChannel5": -3.0, "WaveMeterChannel6": 355.48116242598053, "WaveMeterChannel7": -3.0, "WaveMeterChannel8": 0.0}


STATUS;1412869819.71;PhotonCounter;{"Count": 728, "MMAmp": 0.029039275273680668, "IntTime": 250.0, "MMPhase": 0.2800784111022898, "DataState": false, "Background": true, "Data": 0, "SampFreq": 30.0}

Data point for time series plot

PLOT1410120082.923;1410120085.38;PowerMeter;{"PowerMeterWavelength": 1092.0, "PowerMeterPower": 2.16008611e-05, "PowerMeterMinPower": 5.5e-08, "PowerMeterMaxPower": 0.0055}

Data point for 2-D plot

PLOT2D1413417416.385-0;1413417607.37;{"Count": 253002, "MMAmp": 0.006945532513782382, "DAC3period": 200.0, "DAC2wave": "DCV", "DAC1period": 10000.0, "MMPhase": -0.5187031328678131, "DAC2period": 200.0, "DataState": false, "DAC1amp": 0.0, "SampFreq": 30.0, "DAC1offset": 0.9399999999999995, "DAC0amp": 0.0, "DAC2amp": 0.0, "DAC0period": 200.0, "DAC0wave": "DCV", "DAC3offset": 1.5, "DAC3wave": "DCV", "IntTime": 250.0, "DAC1wave": "DCV", "DAC3amp": 0.0, "DAC2offset": 0.0, "Background": true, "Data": 0, "DAC0offset": 0.0}

Data point for heatmap plot

PLOTHEAT1413992777.767-0-0;1413992778.83;{"Count": 373741, "MMAmp": 0.008434215071611104, "IntTime": 250.0, "MMPhase": -0.22350106403231695, "DataState": false, "Background": true, "PARAM 1 2": 0.0, "PARAM 1 0": 0.0, "Data": 0, "SampFreq": 30.66}


Important: If you are sending multiple commands in a row, append your command with newline so that MTserver can parse it correctly. Otherwise the commands will be stuck together (see trapelectrodes.html for an example).

Open 405 shutter

SET;Shutters;OPEN 405

Change power meter wavelength


Change 461 laser piezo voltage

SET;Newport;PiezoVoltage 60.5

Start time series plot of power meter power with interval 0.05s and 50 points


Run helloworld Python script under www/scripts folder


Lock 844 laser offset to wavemeter channel 6 centered around 355.481181 with PID parameters of 1, 2, 3 and interval of 1s



The timestamp of the initial plotting request is used as the unique identifier of the plotting data as it passes between websocketserver and Jarvis. For 2-D plots, we need to identify pairs of device updates together, so we pass the point number to the devices.

Time series

PLOT;TIMESERIES;timestamp;time interval;number of points;ioname

2-D series

PLOT;2DSERIES;timestamp;time interval;number of points;ioname 1;ioname 2;io to set;io start value;io end value;flag for returning to starting place after scan

Heat map

PLOT;HEATMAP;timestamp;time interval;number of points X;number of points Y;ioX name;ioY name;ioX start value;ioX end value;ioY start value;ioY end value;io to measure;flag for returning to starting place after scan

Cancel a plot



Scripts are user-written and are directly loaded and executed by websocketserver in individual threads. Scripts must end with .py and be under www/scripts to be run. Each run loads the file anew, so no change to Jarvis or websocketserver is needed.

How to do things in scripts:

Read state: Current states are stored in the self.server.current_states dictionary and updated every time updates are received from devices. Examples:


Set a state: Put your command in the device queue. Examples:

devQueue.put("AgilentBO;OvenState ON") devQueue.put("PulseProgrammer;PARAM 1 2 12000") devQueue.put("TrapElectrodes;ZoneSetSide 28 2.5")




Data acquisition software suite






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