Our first project
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Who: Lovers of literature that enjoy a drink (alcoholic or non alcoholic) while reading or throwing a book club gathering.
What: Top Shelf is an application that provides ease for a book and drink pairing.
How: Top Shelf connects three APIs: Google Books, NYT, and The Cocktail DB so the Top Shelf user can connect a book to a drink.
User Story
As a reader/book club member,
I want to enjoy a book experience with a fun drink,
So the experience is enhanced by an option provided by the app based on the user's book selection.
GIVEN a user wants to pair a book with a cocktail WHEN the user searches a book title, THEN the book title, author, and summary are displayed on the page. WHEN the user is presented with the book information, THEN a drink name, recipe, instructions, and image of the drink are displayed on the page next to the book information. WHEN a user saves the book they searched, THEN the information will be stored in their Book Cart. WHEN a user saves the drink they searched, THEN the information will be stored in their Bar Cart.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/danielalexvega/Project1
Deployed Site: https://danielalexvega.github.io/Project1/index.html
The home page for our site: the user inputs a book title into the search bar, and the results are displayed. The user gets an image of the book, the title, author, and a short description as given from the Google Books API. If there is a New York Times book review, that will also be displayed. Then we take that data and make an API call to the CocktailsDB, and we display an image of the drink, the name, the recipe and instructions.
Users can save drinks for reference later by hitting the save button, and their saved drinks are displayed on the Bar Cart.
Users can also save books by hitting the save book button, and the results are stored on the Book Shelf.