CoreShop - Pimcore eCommerce
CoreShop is a eCommerce Platform for Pimcore.
- Pimcore
- Allow dev version to be installed:
composer config "minimum-stability" "dev" composer config "prefer-stable" "true"
- Install with composer
composer require coreshop/core-shop:^3.0
- Run enable Bundle command
php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable CoreShopCoreBundle
- Run Install Command
php bin/console coreshop:install
- Optional: Install Demo Data
php bin/console coreshop:install:demo
CoreShop also uses Symfony Messenger for async tasks like sending E-Mails or Processing DataObjects for the Index. Please run these 2 transports to process the data
bin/console messenger:consume coreshop_notification coreshop_index --time-limit=300
You can see a running demo here CoreShop 3.x Demo
Backend Credentials
Username: admin
Password: coreshop
Follow the instructions in the to set up your local development environment and run the tests.
Copyright: CoreShop GmbH For licensing details please visit