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Benneette edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 3 revisions

Create your project folder

cd /var/www
mkdir myProject
cd myProject

Create a composer.json file or use the compser init command then add in

"require": {
    "v-cult/phalcon": "dev-master",
    "google/apiclient": "1.1.7"

Install the dependencies with composer

composer install

Create a symlink to the application file to use it as phalcon command

ln -s vendor/v-cult/phalcon/application.php ./phalcon

You can now initialize your project with the first app generate:project

./phalcon generate:project

You need to configure your application config.php file to set up google api and mysql. When its done you can generate the models corresponding to your database or import those provided by the library models:generate

./phalcon models:generate

You can now access to the application, authentificate with google plus and access to the SCRUD, index and make your own application.