this is an iOS sandbox for checking the awesome API BluetoothLE against a RedBearLabs bluetooth BLE Shield 2.1 for arduino.
The interface (3 jQuery Mobile pages via PhoneGapBuild) steps through the basic connectivity functions, displaying status messages to a textarea in the app.
The code then demonstrates how to send, and, importantly, how to receive and decode an integer sent from the arduino.
bluetoothle.initialize(initializeSuccess, initializeError, paramsObj);
bluetoothle.startScan(startScanSuccess, startScanError, paramsObj);
bluetoothle.stopScan(stopScanSuccess, stopScanError);
var paramsObj = {address:address};
bluetoothle.connect(connectSuccess, connectError, paramsObj);
subscribe(app.targetDevice.address, app.targetDevice.service, app.targetDevice.characteristic_tx);
write(app.targetDevice.address, app.targetDevice.service, app.targetDevice.characteristic_rx, bytes);
The trick is to be able to interpret the encoded arduino response sent by the RedBearLabs firmware. It seems to be a single byte of base64 encoding that can be decoded with the following:
function base64parseRBLOneByteIntegerData(string) {
// base64 parse encoded integers sent by RBL from arduino to our BluetoothLE client
// expected incoming string format is two characters followed by two equal signs 'xx=='
// valid return is a positive integer
// error return is -1
// caution: if the source integer is > 255, then divide by 4 before sending from arduino,
// and then multiply by 4 after decoding
// beginning with an integer = 807 (for instance, a value from an analog port)
// RBL ble_write() on arduino encodes the value and sends it over the air as 'Jw=='
// notice that 807 in binary is : 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
// shift these 8 bits to the left : 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// now evaluate 6 bits at a time according to the base64 scheme
// -----------
// 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// -----------
// 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 decimal which maps to the base64 character 'J'
// 1 1 0 0 0 0 = 48 decimal which maps to the base64 character 'w'
// on the BluetoothLE side, we, in fact, receive the characters 'Jw==' as obj.value
// BUT, because the value is > 255, we can't convert back to 807 because a
// meaningful bit was lost in the shift. (So, divide the source integer by 4 before sending it.)
// chop off trailing '==' (per the base64 standard, these indicate the last base64 group contained only one byte)
var trimmed = string.replace(/==$/, "");
//updateLog('txLog', "trimmed : " + trimmed);
if (trimmed.length > 2) {
// can't handle that; doesn't look like a byte from arduino
return -1;
var firstCharacter = trimmed.charAt(0);
var secondCharacter = trimmed.charAt(1);
// find the base64 index for each character
var base64characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var firstIndex = base64characters.indexOf(firstCharacter);
var secondIndex = base64characters.indexOf(secondCharacter);
//updateLog('txLog', "firstCharacter : " + firstCharacter + " index: " + firstIndex);
//updateLog('txLog', "secondCharacter : " + secondCharacter + " index: " + secondIndex);
var rawValue = base64IndicesToInt(firstIndex, secondIndex);
updateLog('txLog', "returning int: " + rawValue);
return rawValue;
function base64IndicesToInt (index1, index2) {
// base64 decode helper function
// take two base64 indicies (representing two characters)
// and decode them into an source integer.
// caution: there is no logic to detect an index that would indicate a value > 255
var binFirst = integerToSixBitBinaryLikeString(index1);
var binSecond = integerToSixBitBinaryLikeString(index2);
//alert(binFirst + "\n" + binSecond);
var joined = binFirst.concat(binSecond);
//alert("that should be 12 bits: " + joined);
var chopped = joined.substring(0,8); // chop off the last 4
var b = parseInt( chopped, 2 ); // convert bits to int
// alert("and the integer is: " + b + " times 4: " + b*4);
return b;
function integerToSixBitBinaryLikeString(decimalIndex) {
// base64 decode helper function
// return 'bits' representing a decimal value padded to 6 bits
var zeros = "000000";
var bits = (decimalIndex >>> 0).toString(2); // coerces argument to unsigned integer
var len = bits.length;
//alert(bits + " len: " + len);
if (len < 6) {
var padding = zeros.substring(len);
var finalBitString = padding.concat(bits);
} else {
finalBitString = bits;
//alert("padded bits: " + finalBitString);
return finalBitString;
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Cord Phelps // github