A Netflix clone is a video streaming app that offers a similar user experience and features to Netflix. It allows users to browse and watch a variety of TV shows and movies on their devices.
📺 Navbar with search option and WatchList button.
📺 Random movies in the banner when refresh.
📺 WatchList with data persistant.
📺 SlideShow of movies coming from the TMDB API.
📺 Movies based on Genre.
📺 Click the movie to see the description, complete title and more details!
📺 If the video is sent from the API it'll be render!
🎥 1. Using an TMDB API in JavaScript
🎥 2. Fetch to make the requests
🎥 3. Movie Details
🎥 4. Watch Trailer
🎥 5. WatchList using LocalStoarge
🎥 6. Add/Remove to WatchList
🎥 7. Transitions
🎥 8. SlideShow effect
🎥 9. Responsive
🎬 JavaScript
🎬 LocalStorage
Clone the repo in your terminal writting:
git clone https://github.com/Kumardinesh1908/Netflix-Clone.git