🛑 이 패키지는 더이상 지원되지 않습니다! 추후 PIP 혹은 그와 유사한 패키지 매니저로 배포할 예정에 있는 SOLAPI SDK를 사용해보세요!
Send Message & Message Management using Python and REST API.
BSD License
Package install url ( source code & examples ) : http://www.coolsms.co.kr/download/545387
from sdk.api.message import Message
from sdk.exceptions import CoolsmsException
# set api key, api secret
api_key = "#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#"
api_secret = "#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#"
## 4 params(to, from, type, text) are mandatory. must be filled
params = dict()
params['type'] = 'sms' # Message type ( sms, lms, mms, ata )
params['to'] = '01000000000' # Recipients Number '01000000000,01000000001'
params['from'] = '01000000000' # Sender number
params['text'] = 'Test Message' # Message
cool = Message(api_key, api_secret)
response = cool.send(params)
print("Success Count : %s" % response['success_count'])
print("Error Count : %s" % response['error_count'])
print("Group ID : %s" % response['group_id'])
if "error_list" in response:
print("Error List : %s" % response['error_list'])
except CoolsmsException as e:
print("Error Code : %s" % e.code)
print("Error Message : %s" % e.msg)
from sdk.api.message import Message
from sdk.exceptions import CoolsmsException
# set api key, api secret
api_key = "#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#"
api_secret = "#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#"
cool = Message(api_key, api_secret)
i = 0
response = cool.sent()
for data in response['data']:
i += 1
print("Message No.%s" % i)
print("Type : %s" % data['type'])
print("Accepted_time : %s" % data['accepted_time'])
print("Recipient_number : %s" % data['recipient_number'])
print("Group_id : %s" % data['group_id'])
print("Message_id : %s" % data['message_id'])
print("Status : %s" % data['status'])
print("Result_code : %s" % data['result_code'])
print("Result_message : %s" % data['result_message'])
print("Sent_time : %s" % data['sent_time'])
print("Text : %s" % data['text'])
print("Carrier : %s" % data['carrier'])
print("Scheduled_time : %s" % data['scheduled_time'])
except CoolsmsException as e:
print("Error Code : %s" % e.code)
print("Error Message : %s" % e.msg)
If you want more examples. Visit to 'http://www.coolsms.co.kr/Python_SDK_Example'.
Look at the 'http://www.coolsms.co.kr/Python_SDK_Start_here'