You can send text messages(SMS, LMS, MMS), Kakao friendtalk(include notification friendtalk) in Korea using this package.
🛑 This SDK is no longer maintained! Please use the SOLAPI SDK instead.
To use the SDK, simply use npm package manager CLI. Type the following into a terminal window.
npm install --save coolsms-node-sdk
yarn add coolsms-node-sdk
const coolsms = require('coolsms-node-sdk').default;
// apiKey, apiSecret 설정
const messageService = new coolsms('ENTER_YOUR_API_KEY', 'ENTER_YOUR_API_SECRET');
// 2건 이상의 메시지를 발송할 때는 sendMany, 단일 건 메시지 발송은 sendOne을 이용해야 합니다.
to: '01000000001',
from: '01012345678',
text: '한글 45자, 영자 90자 이하 입력되면 자동으로 SMS타입의 메시지가 발송됩니다.'
to: '01000000002',
from: '01012345678',
text: '한글 45자, 영자 90자 이상 입력되면 자동으로 LMS타입의 문자메시지가 발송됩니다. 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
// 1만건까지 추가 가능
]).then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
If you encounter a bug with the CoolSMS SDK for Javascript we would like to hear about it. Search the existing issues and try to make sure your problem doesn’t already exist before opening a new issue. It’s helpful if you include the version of the SDK, Node.js or browser environment and OS you’re using. Please include a stack trace and reduced repro case when appropriate, too.
Licensed under the MIT License.