looking for jobs right now. I use the simplify chrome extension to fill in and help keep track of applications. It stores the data fine, but I want to analyze my applications. It isn't possible to download data from the app's webpage. this app will be able to parse each posting and then load it into a csv.
developed on Python 3.9.12
pip install requirements.txt
- download rendered html from Simplify using the inspect tool.
- put all those htmls in the tasks directory
- run
python app.py
and it will output those applications to the output.csv
- docker pull python 3.9.12
- docker run -d -t --name simplify-scraper --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app python:3.9.12
- docker start simplify-scraper #if container already created
- docker exec -it simplify-scraper bash
in bash:
- cd app
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python app.py
- exit # to exit docker conta
- docker stop simplify-scraper
- adding each app card to the csv as they are read in. this will improve memory. it isn't a big concern because I don't expect 1000s of applications. adding these cards to a database will be good too as they are added
- build this into a web app
- Developed by Connor Lydon*