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A ClojureScript playground

Fijit is a web app that has everything you need to get started with ClojureScript. It's built on Reagent, an interface for React. This, combined with the homoiconic nature of ClojureScript allows you to write HTML, JavaScript, and CSS with one language.

Sounds great right? Why isn't everyone doing this? Well, there's a bit of a learning curve, especially if you're unfamiliar with ClojureScript or any other Lisp for that matter. You could easily get lost in the various tools, libraries, and frameworks out there, let alone the language itself. From my experience it's better to just dive right in and start coding. This is where Fijit comes in.

With Fijit, you can just clone it and go. No need to configure a project, import libraries, or read documentation. Just spin up Figwheel and start hacking.

Take a peek

If you don't feel like downloading anything you can see a live version of Fijit here thanks to GitHub Pages. There's not much to see now but as I add more components I'll continue to update the live branch so that newcomers can "fidget" 😉

Note: The send and receive buttons only work if you have a local instance of clojuREST running.