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A minimal REST API written in Clojure

Unlike most Clojure backend projects, clojuREST only uses one 3rd party library to set up a web server with routing. Typically you see a lot of projects using Ring and Compojure which are great and really streamline server development but they introduce a lot of dependencies. clojuREST gets around this by using http-kit. You have to write a little extra code but in return you get more control over data flow.


clojuREST is not a library, nor does it have any use as standalone software. It’s merely a proof of concept that someone may use to create an API with minimal dependencies. Feel free to download and modify as needed.


By default, http-kit starts a server at localhost:8090. Aside from the index /(which returns Hello, World!), there are two built-in web services:

  1. Test

    • endpoint: /test
    • supported methods: any
    • accepted body: any
    • prints testing to the commandline
    • used for verifying other services (which may fail if written incorrectly)
  2. Secret

    • endpoint: /secret
    • supported methods: GET, PUT
    • accepted body: any JSON-formatted data
    • reads/writes the file “secret”
    • a crude example of a stateful service

These are handled by the functions test-service and secret-service respectively.


In addition to the services, there are two other functions in core.clj:

  1. respond

    • takes an optional body to return in an HTTP response
    • prints the body to the commandline
    • returns the body, HTTP status 200, and some headers used by cljs-ajax(another minimalist library I use)
  2. handler

    • a callback used by the http-kit server
    • captures the received request in the parameter request
    • parses the body using
    • handles routing with nested case expressions


  1. Get Leiningen
  2. cd to project directory
  3. lein uberjar - this will create two jars:
    • clojurest-0.0.1.jar - smaller, but only runs on the build computer
    • clojurest-0.0.1-standalone.jar - larger, but works on any computer


  • Run with Leiningen (in project directory): lein run
  • Run with Java: java -jar clojurest-0.0.1-standalone.jar

*you may need admin privileges to allow the application through your firewall