Add a DynFlags plugin. #56
Garnix CI / package ghc928_categorifier-plugin-test [aarch64-darwin]
Feb 9, 2024 in 27m 52s
Run results
Build failed
Last 100 lines of logs:
294 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"LtWord32") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
295 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"EqualWord64") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
296 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"NotEqualWord64") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
297 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"GeWord64") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
298 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"GtWord64") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
299 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"LeWord64") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
307 ┃ . HInsert1
314 ┃ )
315 ┃ )
316 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Max") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], Nothing)]))
317 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Min") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], Nothing)]))
318 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Not") (TestCases (const [((), pure ([|Gen.bool|], [|show|]))]))
319 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Plus") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], Nothing)]))
320 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Minus") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], Nothing)]))
321 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Times") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], Nothing)]))
322 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Quot") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
323 ┃ . HInsert1
324 ┃ (Proxy @"RealToFrac")
325 ┃ (TestCases (const [(([t|Double|], [t|Float|]), pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
326 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Recip") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
327 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Rem") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
328 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Div") (TestCases (const [([t|Word64|], Nothing)]))
329 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Mod") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
330 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Divide") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], Nothing)]))
331 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"DivideDouble") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
332 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"DivideFloat") (TestCases (const [((), Nothing)]))
333 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Atan2") (TestCases (const [])) -- no `curry`
334 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Abs") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
335 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Negate") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
336 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Signum") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
337 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"PowI") (TestCases (const []))
338 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"PowInt") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
339 ┃ . HInsert1
340 ┃ (Proxy @"FromInteger")
354 ┃ )
355 ┃ ]
356 ┃ )
357 ┃ )
358 ┃ . HInsert1
359 ┃ (Proxy @"FromIntegral")
360 ┃ ( TestCases
361 ┃ (const [(([t|Int64|], [t|Double|]), pure ([|Gen.int64 Range.linearBounded|], [|show|]))])
362 ┃ )
363 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Append") (TestCases (const [([t|[Word8]|], Nothing)]))
364 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Mappend") (TestCases (const [([t|[Word8]|], Nothing)]))
365 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ListAppend") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
366 ┃ . HInsert1
367 ┃ (Proxy @"Pure")
368 ┃ ( TestCases
369 ┃ ( const
370 ┃ [ ([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|])),
371 ┃ ([t|Word8|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))
372 ┃ ]
373 ┃ )
374 ┃ )
375 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Return") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
376 ┃ . HInsert1
377 ┃ (Proxy @"Error")
378 ┃ ( TestCases
379 ┃ ( \arrow ->
380 ┃ if arrow `elem` [''(->), ''Hask]
381 ┃ then [] -- we expect bottomC to raise an exception in these categories
382 ┃ else
383 ┃ [ ( [t|Word8|],
384 ┃ pure ([|Gen.string Range.linearBounded Gen.unicodeAll|], [|show|])
385 ┃ )
386 ┃ ]
387 ┃ )
388 ┃ )
402 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Bind") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)])) -- no curry
403 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Curry") (TestCases (const [(([t|Word8|], [t|Bool|]), Nothing)]))
404 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Uncurry") (TestCases (const [(([t|Word8|], [t|Bool|]), Nothing)]))
405 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"SequenceA") (TestCases (const []))
406 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Traverse") (TestCases (const []))
407 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"UnsafeCoerce") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
408 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Sum") (TestCases (const [])) -- can only work with specialization
409 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"SumList") (TestCases (const []))
410 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ToList") (TestCases (const [])) -- can only work with specialization
411 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Even") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
412 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Odd") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
413 ┃ $ HEmpty1
┃ │ 0
┃ ^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Exception (ErrorCall) ━━━
┃ │ A call to `Categorifier.Categorify.expression` failed to be eliminated by
┃ │ the "Categorifier" plugin. But errors from the plugin have been deferred to runtime,
┃ │ so you see this message instead of the actual compile-time failure. Compile
┃ │ without `-fplugin-opt Categorifier:defer-failures` to see what actually went wrong.
┃ │ CallStack (from HasCallStack):
┃ │ expression, called at test/Base/Main.hs:45:1 in main:Main
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 4079434254623164130 2546712059736868013) "1:" haskOdd0
✗ 89 failed, 120 succeeded.
━━━ -> ━━━
Test suite base-hierarchy-optimized: FAIL
Test suite logged to:
0 of 3 test suites (0 of 3 test cases) passed.